, we have filtered the list to obtain a gold standard where each phrase pair contains at least one multi-word phrase. Finally there are 95 of such phrase pairs. The Semeval 2013 task5 gold standard was originally a binary reference where 7,814 phrase pairs are tagged with "positive" or "negative" for the similarity

, A.3.3 Phrase alignment

, which consist of 248 word pairs for BC and 139 for WE. The reference list for unified multi-word phrase in WE is built based on the term list provided by the project site. Finally this list contains 73 phrase pairs but each pair has multiple variant translations and in our settings, we consider them to be also the gold translations 7 . The list is built based on 277 one-to-one mapping pairs, but if we use directly this list the results would be biased by those who have multiple translations, therefore we factorized these pairs and finally obtained a list of 73 one-to-many mapping pairs. The reference list for the Italian/English task is the same as in Artetxe, Labaka and Agirre (2016) which contains 1,500 entries. The candidate list is also extracted from PKE following the same pipeline as in the monolingual tasks. Therefore the WE-English and WE-French corpus has always 8,923 and 6,412 phrases as for the phrase synonymy task, Apart from the new reference list that we have built, the reference lists for single-word phrase alignment for BC and WE corpora are the same as used in Hazem and Morin, 2016.

, From this dictionary we select a subset of 3,007 entries from the BC corpora and a subset of 2,745 entries from the WE corpora based on a word frequency threshold of 5. These two subsets are used as the training data in our word embedding mapping experiments. For our Italian/English experiments, we only use the same seed lexicon 9 as used in Artetxe

, The reference list and evaluation software are available here

F. English and C. Spanish, Regarding the embedding models of the domain specialized corpora, we use deeplearning4j 11 to train domain-specific 100-dimensional word embeddings using the Skip-gram model

, A.5.2 Language models

, We have incorporated the implementation of BERT 12 and ELMo 13 because they both have pretrained models on multiple languages. The BERT implementation has a multilingual model which contains 104 languages while the ELMo implementation has 44 separate language models

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