, If ?x:?.? = ? ? , then ? ? ?x:? .? , for some ? , ? , such that ? = ? ?, and ? = ? ?

, If ? ? r ? = ? ? , then ? ? ? ? r ? , for some ? , ? , such that ? = ? ?, and ? = ? ?

, If ? ? ? = ? ?, then ? ? ? ? ? , for some ? , ? , such that ? = ? ?, and ? = ? ?

, If ? ? ? = ? ?, then ? ? ? ? ? , for some ? , ? , such that ? = ? ?, and ? = ? ?

, If ? ? ?x:?.? : ?x:?.? , then ?, x:? ? ? : ?

, If ? ? ? r x:?.? : ?x:?.? , then ?, x:? ? ? : ? and ? = ? x

?. If, ? ? ? , then ? ? ? 1 : ?, ? ? ? 2 : ? , and ? 1 = ? ? 2

?. If, ?x:? ??.?, then ? ? ? 1 : ?y:?.? (in ? 1 y), ? ? ? 2 : ?y:?.?

, If ? ? pr 1 ? : ?, then ? ? ?:? ? ? , for some ?

, If ? ? pr 2 ? : ? , then ? ? ?:? ? ? , for some ?

, ? ? in ? 1 ? : ? ? ? , then ? ? ? : ? and ? ? ? ? ? : Type

, Axiom backchain : prog ?> atom ?> goal ?> Type

, Axiom solve_impl : forall p1 p2 g, solve (and_2 p1 p2) g ?> solve p1

, > solve p g ?> solve p

, Axiom backchain_impl_impl : forall p a g g1 g2, backchain (impl_2 (and_1 g1 g2) p) a g ?> backchain (impl_2 g1 (impl_2 g2 p)) a g. Axiom backchain_impl_and1 : forall p1 p2 a g g1, backchain (impl_2 g1 p1) a g ?> backchain

, Axiom csapp : forall s t, aOk (crelev s t) >> aOk s >> aOk t. Axiom cpair : forall s t, (aOk s & aOk t) >> aOk (cinter s t). Axiom cpri : forall s t, aOk (cinter s t) >> (aOk s & aOk t), Semantics *) Axiom cabst : forall s t, (aOk s ?> aOk t) >> aOk (carrow s t)

, Axiom ccopair : forall s t, aOk (cunion s t) >> (aOk s | aOk t)

, Using this encoding, we can deeply encode self-application ?x.x x : (? ? (? ? ? )) ? ? and commutativity of union ?x

, Axiom s : o. Axiom t : o. Definition halfomega := cabst (cinter s (carrow s t)) t (fun x ? capp s t (proj_r (cpri s (carrow s t) x)) idpair := cpair (carrow s s) (carrow t t) <cabst s s (fun x ? x)

, We also can show that the commutativity of union with a relevant arrow ?x.x : (? ? ? ) ? r (? ? ?): Definition communion' := csabst (cunion s t) (cunion t s) (sfun x ? smatch ccopair s t x with y ?

, Axiom sup' : Type. Axiom same : obj' & fam' & knd' & sup'. Axiom term : (obj' | fam' | knd' | sup') ?> Type. (* The obj, fam, knd, and sup types have the same essence (term same) *) Definition obj := term (coe (obj' | fam' | knd' | sup') (coe obj' same)). Definition fam := term (coe (obj' | fam' | knd' | sup') (coe fam' same)). Definition knd := term (coe (obj' | fam' | knd' | sup') (coe knd' same)), A shallow encoding of LF in LF ? making essential use of intersection types can be also type checked. The corresponding Bull code is the following: Axiom obj' : Type. Axiom fam' : Type. Axiom knd' : Type

, Axiom tp : knd & sup

, star and sqre have the same essence (tp) *) Definition star := coe knd tp. Definition sqre := coe sup tp

, Axiom lam : (fam ?> (obj ?> obj) ?> obj) & (fam ?> (obj ?> fam) ?> fam). Definition lam_1 := coe (fam ?> (obj ?> obj) ?> obj) lam. Definition lam_2 := coe (fam ?> (obj ?> fam) ?> fam) lam

, Axiom pi : (fam ?> (obj ?> fam) ?> fam) & (fam ?> (obj ?> knd) ?> knd). Definition pi_1 := coe (fam ?> (obj ?> fam) ?> fam) pi. Definition pi_2 := coe (fam ?> (obj ?> knd) ?> knd) pi

, Axiom app : (obj ?> obj ?> obj) & (fam ?> obj ?> fam)

, Axiom of_ax : of_3 star sqre

, Axiom of_lam : of_lam1 & of_lam2. (* Rules for product are ''essentially'' the same *) Definition of_pi1 := forall t1 t2, Rules for lambda-abstraction are "essentially" the same *) Definition of_lam1 := forall t1 t2 t3, of_2 t1 star ?> (forall x, of_1 x t1 ?> of_1 (t2 x) (t3 x)) ?> of_1 (lam_1 t1 t2) (pi_1 t1 t3). Definition of_lam2 := forall t1 t2 t3, of_2 t1 star ?> (forall x, of_1 x t1 ?> of_2 (t2 x) (t3 x)) ?> of_2

. Ok-s-?&gt;-ok-t-?&gt;-prop, Axiom Eqrefl : forall (s : o) (M : OK s), Eq s s M M. Axiom Eqsymm : forall (s t : o) (M : OK s) (N : OK t), Eq s t M N ?> Eq t s N M. Axiom Eqtrans : forall

, Axiom Abst : forall (s t : o), (( OK s) ?> (OK t)) ?> OK (arrow s t)

, OK (arrow s t) ?> OK s ?> OK t. (* constructors for intersection *) Axiom Proj_l : forall (s t : o), OK (inter s t) ?> OK s. Axiom Proj_r : forall (s t : o), Axiom App : forall (s t : o)

, Axiom Pair : forall (s t : o) (M : OK s) (N : OK t), Eq s t M N ?> OK

, constructors for union *) Axiom Inj_l : forall (s t : o), OK s ?> OK (union s t)

, Axiom Inj_r : forall (s t : o), OK t ?> OK (union s t)

, Axiom Sum : forall

, M : OK s ?> OK t) (N : OK s' ?> OK t'), (forall (x : OK s) (y : OK s'), Eq s s' x y ?> Eq t t' (M x) (N y)) ?> Eq (arrow s t) (arrow s' t') (Abst s t M, Axiom Eqabst : forall (s t s' t' : o)

, M : OK (arrow s t)) (N : OK s) (M' : OK (arrow s' t')) (N' : OK s'), Eq (arrow s t) (arrow s' t') M M' ?> Eq s s' N N' ?> Eq t t, Axiom Eqapp : forall (s t s' t' : o)

, * define equality wrt intersection constructors *) Axiom Eqpair : forall (s t : o) (M : OK s) (N : OK t) (pf : Eq s t M N), Eq (inter s t) s (Pair s t M N pf) M. Axiom Eqproj_l : forall (s t : o) (M : OK (inter s t)), Eq

, Axiom Eqproj_r : forall (s t : o) (M : OK (inter s t)), Eq (inter s t) t M (Proj_r s t M)

, * define equality wrt union *) Axiom Eqinj_l : forall (s t : o) (M : OK s), Eq (union s t) s (Inj_l s t M) M. Axiom Eqinj_r : forall (s t : o) (M : OK t), Eq (union s t) t (Inj_r s t M) M. Axiom Eqsum : forall (s t u : o) (M : OK (arrow s u)) (N : OK (arrow t u)) (O : OK (union s t)) (pf: Eq (arrow s u) (arrow t u) M N) (x : OK s)

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