.. , , p.33

T. Epr and M. , , p.34

L. Parametric and P. , , p.34

. Summary-on-voice-modeling-techniques....., , p.37

T. Expressive-voice, , p.40

.. Singer-'s-formant, , p.41

.. Vocal, , p.41

B. , , p.44

.. Expression, 46 Fundamental frequency (f 0 ), p.53

.. Main-approaches-to-expression-control, 55 Statistical approaches, 56 Unit selection-based approaches . . . . . . . . 58 Hybrid approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Parametrized expression templates selection, p.60

C. , , p.60

, ISiS: a concatenative singing synthesizer 63

I. , , p.63

D. , , p.67

. Description-of-recorded-databases........, , p.68

.. Database-annotation, , p.69

.. Units-selection, , p.70

T. and .. , , p.73

.. Synthesis,

. Spectral-envelope-interpolation....., , p.79

.. Pan-engine,

, mse = 0.0395 samples = 2 value =

, mse = 0.3593 samples = 3 value =

, mse = 0.0796 samples = 2 value =

, mse = 0.983 samples = 12 value =

, mse = 0.5314 samples = 2 value =

, Appendix D List of publications International conferences

L. @bullet-ardaillon, G. Degottex, and A. Roebel, A multi-layer F0 model for singing voice synthesis using a B-spline representation with intuitive controls, 2015.

@. Degottex, G. Ardaillon, L. Roebel, and A. , Simple multi frame analysis methods for estimation of amplitude spectral envelope estimation in singing voice, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.2016-4975, 2016.
DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7472624

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01498324

L. @bullet-ardaillon, C. Chabot-canet, and A. Roebel, Expressive control of singing voice synthesis using musical contexts and a parametric F0 model, Interspeech 2016, pp.1250-1254, 2016.

L. @bullet-feugère, C. Alessandro, S. Delalez, L. Ardaillon, and A. Roebel, Evaluation of Singing Synthesis: Methodology and Case Study with Concatenative and Performative Systems, Interspeech 2016, pp.1245-1249, 2016.

L. @bullet-ardaillon and A. Roebel, A mouth opening effect based on pole modification for expressive singing voice transformation, Interspeech 2017. National conferences, 2017.

L. @bullet-ardaillon, A. Roebel, and C. Chabot-canet, Modélisation des paramètres de contrôle pour la synthèse de voix chantée, CFA/VISHNO 2016. Contribution to a journal paper, 2016.

L. @bullet-gilles-degottex and . Ardaillon, Multi-Frame Amplitude Envelope Estimation for Modification of Singing Voice, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, vol.247, pp.1242-1254, 2016.

, Appendix D. List of publications Seminars

@. Chabot-canet, C. Ardaillon, L. Roebel, and A. , proceedings waiting for publication) Analyse du style vocal et modélisation pour la synthèse de chant expressif: l'exemple d'Edith Piaf, colloque international "La voix dans les chansons: approches musicologiques, p.3, 2016.

L. @bullet-ardaillon and A. Roebel, Synthèse concaténative de la voix chantée, Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal (JJCAAS), 2014.

L. @bullet-ardaillon and A. Roebel, A multi-layer F0 model for singing voice synthesis using a B-spline representation with intuitive controls, 2016.

@. Summer, Sciences et Voix : expressions, usages et prises en charge de l'instrument vocal humain, pp.26-30, 2016.

, Master's thesis (supervision

@. Dickerson and M. , Modification expressive de la voix chantée. IRCAM. Undergraduate internship's report (supervision), 2016.

@. Sébal and L. , Stage sur le projet ChaNTeR, 2014.

, ? 6.16 Original recording of a rough (shouted) voice

, ? 6.17 Synthesis of shouted voice from sound 6.16 using PaN without roughness

, ? 6.18 Synthesis of shouted voice from sound 6.16 using PaN with original jitter and shimmer

, ? 6.19 Original recording of a rough (shouted) voice by MS singer

, ? 6.20 Synthesis of shouted voice from sound 6.19 using PaN without roughness

, 21 Synthesis of shouted voice from sound 6.19 using PaN with original jitter scaled with a factor 0, ? 6

, ? 6.22 Synthesis of shouted voice from sound 6.19 using PaN with original jitter scaled with a factor 2

, ? 6.23 Original recording of "clean" loud voice without roughness by MS singer

, ? 6.24 Jitter and shimmer extracted from sound 6.19 applied on sound 6.23 using PaN

, ? 7.1 Extract of synthesis for the opera I.D. by Arnaud Petit with the EL database (with midi musical accompaniment)

, ? 7.2 A capella version of the song "Les feuilles d'Interspeech" submitted to the singing synthesis challenge at the Interspeech 2017 conference, using the PaN engine, RT database, and Le Roux style model

, ? 7.4 Synthesis of song "les feuilles d'Interspeech" with the PaN engine and the MS database, used for the evaluation in

, ? 7.5 Synthesis of song "les feuilles d'Interspeech" with the PaN engine and the MS database, used for the evaluation in

, ? 7.6 Synthesis of the songAu temps d'Interspeech" with the SVP engine and the RT database, used for the evaluation in

, ? 7.7 Synthesis of the songAu temps d'Interspeech" with the PaN engine and the MS database, used for the evaluation in

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