, 119 Full Datasets Evaluation For Hybrid Approaches, p.121

.. .. Conclusion, Geospatial Integration, vol.127

D. Fusion and . .. Uncertainty,

A. .. Proposals, 133 6.2.1 Selection of Visual Variables to Portray Uncertainties

, Selection of Uncertainties Information to Portray on Map or on Demand

, 143 6.3.1 Experimental Protocol and Simulator, Impact of Visualizing Uncertainty in LBS: A Use Case for Tourists

.. .. Conclusion,

, Conclusions and Perspectives 155

, 156 7.1.2 Spatial Similarity Measure and Geospatial Entity Matching

.. .. Short-term-perspectives,

.. .. Long-term-perspectives,

.. .. Final-words,

D. Fusion and . .. Uncertainty,

, 135 6.2.2 Selection of Uncertainties Information to Portray on Map or on Demand, Uncertainty Visualization: Proposals and Assessment

, Impact of Visualizing Uncertainty in LBS: A Use Case for Tourists

E. Protocol and . .. Simulator,

.. .. Conclusion,

, where W and p values are Shapiro-Wilk test statistics

, As we found collected data are not following a normal distribution (p < 5%), according to cognitive science procedure, a Kruskal-Wallis H test [KW52] is applied to compare the three groups, mission by mission, and then applying a Mann-Whitney test

, Means and standard deviations of the responses' times for the three missions are given in Figure 6.13. With 5% significance threshold, Kruskal-Wallis H test yielded significant effects between the three groups: ? in M1: H(2, N = 45) = 23.9, p.1

, where H and p values are Kruskal-Wallis test statistics

, With 5% significance threshold, Mann-Whitney test yielded the results of Table 6.4 where we can observe: ? in M1: significant effects between each group

, ? in M2: a significant effect between G1 and G2, and not significant but as a trend towards significance between G2 and G3

, ? in M3: a significant effect between G1 and G2, and between G2 and G3

, 156 7.1.2 Spatial Similarity Measure and Geospatial Entity Matching, As we can observe in Figure 6.13 and Table 6.4, whatever the mission, response time is significantly shorter for G1 compared to G2, and also shorter for G3 compared to G2 Contents

. .. Short-term-perspectives, 158 7.2.1 Enrichment of Taxonomy and Benchmark

.. .. Long-term-perspectives,

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