$. %. and !. 8233%8, 2)! '%82',(! I"7%7;! 20! G*%"),/8$)%'! <pR>5! <pR?=!, 33! 1%! &'%(%)*%

<. $. and !. +&-!, 45.4''N, 49°37'51.2''E! ^$2'! &%, ! 1%'97, p.7

%. ). D%22%, %9"8!*2!G282

!. and !. *. %h+, %(! included in Steindachner's account and the fact that the individual based taxonB, @22)(!9+00"8"%)*! (/9&3")@! /*! (%:%'/3! ("*%3%)*! (+1*'2&@22)!0"($!/((%913/@%(!20!G282*'/!H, pp.829-831

@. James, ! *2! allow post larvae to immigrate into TOCE's when connection with seawater occurs, +8%! 022,! 829&%*"*"2)! /92) >RRo=7!N2'%8'+"*9%)*!0

!. Ic and !. In+, %5! <qR<=5! Q

7. S%9%, ! estuaries as well. This provides further support to Socotra's function as a biogeogr/&$"8! " stepping stone, (5!.$"3%!2)3-!&%8"%(5!/(!&'2&2(%,!1-!^%9&!I<ppq=5!`/X2)U!%*!/3!I>RRR=!/),![%!

\. /. S%9%, 13%!*2!1)!A'/1"/)! coast. The observation, that about 70% of Socotra's estuarine species have not been recorded 0'29!*$%!9, !("*%(!9! &2(*B92)(22)=! ,+%! *2! *$%! ,"00"8+3*-! *2! "9&3%9%)*! '%@+3/'! (+':%-(7! #$%'%02'%5! 82)83+("2)(! /12+*! *$%! /1(%)8%! 20! &/'*"8+3/'! (&%8"%(! ($2+3,! (*"33! 1%!

*. $. and !. 8299+, ! %:%)3-!, !W'2+&!?!"(!'%(*'"8*%,!*2!*$%!S%9%)!9

!. W21, ! #E! 712691! I@+*! 82)*%)*;! 0"3/9%)*%2+, 2+*(5! 022! &%'9, p.3

!. &2, ! the diversity of the specific ecological conditions of Socotra's %(*+, )5! '%(&%8*":%3-5! 20! *$%!

>. M>rrp5 and !. 3. , =!GT4!??oR?5! y<RR!(&9(5! ^$2'! i+

=. I%, ! 47!A7!G/3%$5! I, !47!J/((%%15!I":=!GT4!??oRo5!?R!(&9(5!^$2'![%3

!. *. and !. G%, ??o?<5! YIo=!(&9(5! Y?7YBYp7?!995!, !D7!`/X2)U7!

!. I%, P>7?Bo?7o>!995!^$2, 12=5!>qM<RM>RRR5!3%@7!47!^

!. *. 829&2, 1+*"2)!'/)@%;!0'29!G282, YI>R=!(&9(5!qR7qBpP7>!995!^$2'!i+!6%W+30!I6

*. $. , %. , and !. *. N+, 3-!/3%+%1-9:*1)!I&, =1..:*1)!IA, pp.8-11

!. N+, %(5! <q>q7! ?!V"(*2

=. !. and !. G%, (5!>p7RBYo7Q!995!^$2'!i+, 1+:%:*1)!I, p.2

E. N+, %'5! <q<P7! ?! c%! dk@)%! A, )5! &2+'!

$. !. and !. @%2@, 8! (*'+8*+'%! 2)! 3"9, 3%(! +&! *2! 0%.! $+),'%,! F"329%*'%

%. /. %@, 8!(*'+8*+'%!20! 0, 7! N2)(",%'")@! *$%! 9"*28$2)! ?&129/! 4$'661-! 42'((Fv35! <ooY5! \"('/9! %*! /37! I>R<R=! 21)! /92)@! &2&+3, p.1

@. !. %@, 8! 82))%E"2)! 2:%'! 3, 92)@![2'-!()/&&%'5!O9+71-9/!.9*",.*1((1!I42'((Fv35!<ooY=!&2&+3%5!6%'8"02'9%(=5!328/33-!F)2.)!/(! " Dirhar " in Yemen mainland and " Habraham " on Socotra Island, pp.2-82

@. !. D%, E!82, ! <Y!)@! 20! [JA7! d%

-. , X. (. , and !. 03+2, %(8%)8%! )2'9/3, R7>P7! #$%!83+

%. , !. Vdt, !. @. , and !. I4, (%h+%)8%(! 20! 6Nd

!. T. Id@, ! 828%5! <pqp=! 02332, "(! IW2.%'5! <pPP=! .%'%! &%'02'9%&1*%! 0+)8*"2)! 20! *$%! d!

@. and !. %. %h+, !?;!d2@%9%!I")!@%, <<Q! 92)(=! (")8%!&2&+3, p.20

@. !. Id% and !. +. , (+/3"U%,!, ! *$%! 82):%'@%)8%! /92)@! T, pp.7-7

!. 9%, 2)!0'29!2*$%'!328, 1%*.%%)!R7Q?!IAQ=!/),!<7RR!IN<Rq

!. N+, %'5!<q>p!IA88%(("2)!)+91%'(;!ODqo<Ppq5!ODqo<Ppp5! g4QpQPPo7<5! g4QpQPPq7<5! g4?QR<Yq7<=!

1. *. %%, %(5! 82, %33"*%(! I< ?# !r!R5R?Y5! )!s!R7R<=7!

@. !. , &. Ic, and !. Z. , ! [%! T2)%*5! <q>>=5! /! *'28$, %(!(*%99")@!0'29!,"00%'%)*!

#. $. %@, 2)! 20! *$%! #E!712691! &2&+3

!. #. %3%9%, *(!20!2*23, p.3

!. *. +&, A&, ! 92)(22)! 132)!12*$!*$%!)2'*$!/),!(2+*$!82

T. (. 1%, 8! 3, ! 20! 2*23"*$! 9"8'2")8'%9%)*(!, pp.232-240

!. *. I6c and . &2&+3, %@"2)5! ?=! *2! 2*23, )! (*'+8*+'%! 21(%':%,! ")! #E! 712691! 1%*.%%)! %(*+, p.6

*. $-%-!-'%&-'2 and +. *. , :%! %8232@-5! 3, )! (*'+8*+'%! 20! #E! 712691! $/:%! 1%%)!

%. Zhdb<w, !. Zndb>w, !. Iw-/-2, !. %. , !. Por7yp5 et al., )! IdG[5! ")!t=! 20! /33! 8%, )(! 2)! *$%! 13/)F! I"7%7;! 3?)! .%'%! 8/ %3%9%)*/3! 82)8%)*'/*"2)(! *$/)! *$%! 2*23"*$(7! #$%! '%&'2 02'! (29%!%3%9%)*(!,%*%'9")%,!/(!9%/)!&%'8%)*/@%!'%82:%'-!0'29!DGWG!ID, p.8

*. $. >p-t@-!-r-!-yo7y, !. , and !. Yy-t, !r!pY7P!t5! PP`)PP`)!r!<<>7P!t5! qY d1!r!>PP!t5! qq G'!r<R?7q!t5! <<q G)!r!p>7Q!t5! <

A. , !. X+-!-#e-!-712691, and !. %. , 3%, (&%8"9%)(!I4"@7!Y7>=7!d%, p.6

!. *. and /. +@-!-g, 25! #$%!9

P. /. 9%, )5! PP`)PP`)5! qY d15! qq G'5! <<q G)5! <?, D=!")!*$%!2*23"*$!%,@%(!1%*.%%)!%/8$!20

<. Ward, s hierarchical clustering analysis derived from &

/. %e, %:%'5! 2*23

I. ". I4, populations determined using Ward's hierarchical clustering analysis!2)!&, 13%! 20! ")8'%/(")@! (+8$! @%)%*"8!20!*$%!/(("@)9%)*!*%

!. $. and $. %39-!-^-'+&&-!, *$!2*23, 8299%)*(!2)!*$"(!.2'F7!48F)2.3%,@%,!02'!$"(!(+&&2'*! &'2X%8*!20!*$%!0"'(*!/+*$2'7! N2), p.83

!. Bk%, ! '%82@)(%,! ")! g+3-!>RRq!!1%%)! isolated from massive human development until the late 90's. d%8%)*!+)82), ! +)"h+%! 1, pp.9-12

!. and *. %%-$-*-%, 33/)(!%*!/375!<ppqn!\2, 3%!9"8'2(/*%33"*%(!@%)2*-&")@!02'!G282*S%9%)!9

1. *. %%-)-! and . X+, 3%! #E!712691! and TOCE's and random demographic bottleneck, increasing the 328, ! %:%)*(! 82+3,! )2*! 1%! *$%!

%. , !. /. , and !. 1%, Steindachner's voucher specimens! 328

Z. *. %%, ! I--91*! J%, p.7

Z. , !. I<pqp=7, and !. A. , 1-! &%'9/)%)*3-! 2&%)5!, 9+$!I.2,&1-!N'92-1*!'.!012&%>!bI@N]Q??YY7![LH;!<R7>pqpMR>YooP<qpRpYRQYYR7, pp.2-9

&. , +. , &. /. , and !. @n, %(7!I(%2,&1-!7'92-1*!, >Yo7! d%0%'%)8%(! <PY!

!. I>rrp=7 and . L+-*-!, !1-!9"*28$2), !S! 8$'292(29%!@%)%*"8!,":%'("*-7!I(%2,&1-!N'92-1*!'.!Q$5&1*!I-+$2')'*'45>!@ObISN]Q?p?QQo7! [LH;!<R7<RR>M

N. V%% and !. Oe&%, 1%'@%'5! d7T7! I<pp>=7! A)/3-("(! 20! \

N. $. and !. G9, 5!d7A75!\%':22'*5!, 29%;! #$%! 9+*/*"2)! (&%8*'+9! ")! OSA<! /),! "*(!

!. T7#75-!-o13%5-!-g7a75, !. Z2-i>rro=7, and !. V. , 8! 82))%8*, p.9

!. ?. I<q and . N+, ((25! A75! 42)*/)%33/5! O75! 6, O@I/@N]?YY??Yo7! [LH;!<R7<RRoM, p.3

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J. *. @%5-!-l7-!-i<qpq=7 and !. L. G282, E%-5! 47A75! Z+''5! T7! /),! 6, )(! 20! )%.! G&%8"%(7! Q2'&%%8&1*!?'&,%+5!'.!O'-8'->!__ION]?o>??q?7! [LH;!<R7<<<<MX7<RpPB?PQ>7<qpq7*1R?<YP7E7!

!. D% and +. *. , *28$2), %)8%! 20! &2&+3/*"2)! 12**3%)%8F(! '%(+3*")@! 0'29! V2328%)%! (%/B 3%:%3!8$/)@%7!P"'*9+
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00096206

!. , !. I<qqy=7, and !. Hh7-!-?%1%-'!-%-"-), @%! /0

V. /. Hmke, !9-8!$%2)%+'*'4

!. G7g75 and !. A. , (*2'-!20!G282*'/7!<19-1!'.!I216, +E!N2&%)$/@%)5!Ta33%'"7! 42'(*%'!I<qR<=5!");!T7O7!Z328$!/),!g7W7!G8$)%",%'!I%7=7!?5/+%(1!F&$+$5'*'4,1%7!, p.29

!. I. T%, ($5! Q*, 3+'"02'9%1>! __ION]?><B?>?7![LH;!<R7?pqpM

!. S7-!-i>r<<=7-!-d% and $. N+, 2)! 20! ?,**14, G%/7! ?+9++412+%2!3%,+2o4%!H92!^1+92C9-8%!I>!^%9%!?%2,%>!S]QPY?<o<7, pp.5-75

. (. C%, 35! Z7G7! I<ppq=7! 42B6/8"0"85! 82'/3! '%%0! 0

!. and !. G&, 3%(!20!@%)%*"8!, @%(! P<?p?5! ");! 67g7

!. 8233%8, 9%)(!20!0, pp.7-7

W. !. %e, )5!O7A7!I<pp>=7!6%'02'9, 1%'@!&'2&2'*"2)! 02'!9+3*"&3%!/33%3%

!. V. %92, 2)! (*'+8*+'%! 20! &3, !L3(%)5!g7c7!I>RR>=7!62&+31+%//1! c7=! ")! )2'*$%')! O+'2&%;! 9! *%9&2'/3! $292@%)%"*-7! 0'*%&9*12! P&'*'45>! @@ILN]<<PY?<<oP7! [LH;!<R7<RQPMX7<?PYB>pQ?7>RR>7R<Y<Y7E7!

!. Bh+, 3-! &'2*2823! 02, ! V%1%'*5! 67[7J7! I>RRP=7! A)! ")%E&%) P&'*'45! ^'+%/>! _ISN]ppq?<RR>7! [LH;!<R7<<<<MX7<Qo<Bq>qP7>RRP7R<Q>q7E7

H. /. I#%3%2, %(!20!@%, ! *$%! D%22%/! %25+$2'929/!829&3%E7!Z')%,1>!Fff@ISN^<RQ??<RQp7! d%0%'%)8%(! <o

}. !. Shifn and !. *. 8299+, %(5!I&1-+$')1429/!)1&, 25!#7!I>R<R=7!A!)%.!(&%8%=7!:7!?P!I)27!Q=;7!39

G. , !. T2-'f5-!-g7, and !. %h+, 3"1, &%>!_FIbN]<Yqq?<YpP7![LH;!<R7<R<PMX7"8%(X9(7>RRY7RY7RRp7! d%0%'%)8%(! <oY

!. T. %2, 1+,'-!1-8!?9/+1, +5!'.! ?'&'+21! I2&$,)%*14'E!012,-%!S16,+1+>!3, pp.5-6

!. T%, ! J%:25! O7! I<poP=7! c"F%3-! &'%BG+%U! 288+''%)8%! 20! /! d%

^. I<poo=7, !. <. , and /. $. , !F-8,1-!g&%1-E!g, d%(2+'8%!N%)*%'5!, pp.2-27

!. +% and !. &2&+3, LH;!<R7<R?qM)&'2*7>RRo7>RR7! c, 3%!9+*/*"2)!,%*%8*"2)7!@%9%)*7!Z1*Zg<*!J%)>!Sf, p.7

B. J. Laurel and I. R. Bradbury, ! 20! #%21)'-! 712691! I42'((Fv35! <ooY=! 0'29! G282, @@IFN]Q<q?Q><7![LH;!<R7<<<<MX7<oYYBRppq7>R<R7R>poR7E7! c/:%'@)%5! O75! ^'+&&5! 475! G/%%,5! 47J75! 6+38$5! V75! `"%@3%'5! T75! ^3/+(5! d75! A3&%'9/))5! #7! /),! `/X2)U5! D7! I>R<<=7! Z"^B4! 4"%3,! d%(%/'8$! G*/*"2)! G282*'/7!9%8!65!<2)! 20!(&%8"%(!,/*/7!g%&'*'4,1>!@FhIFN]>o<?>qR7![LH;!<R7<RRoM(RRQQ>R<RRo<P7! c%'2-5! G75! W%)*%5! 675! 42+')"%'5! T75! ,mA8'%92)*5! O75! 61>!@_ISN]<qY? <p>7![LH;!<R7<<<<MX7<?PYB?<><7>RRQ7RRYYR7E7! d%0%'%)8%(! <oq! c%*2+')%+'5! S75! ^+31! K"**.%'5! N7! I>RRQ=7! W%)2*-&")@! 20! G")@3%BJ+83%2*",%! 623-92'&$"(9(! 1-! V"@$Bd%(23+*"2)! T%3*")@! 20! G9/33! A9&3"82)(7!Z*,-,&1*!Z$%(,/+25>!MfILN]<<YP?<<PQ7![LH;!<R7<?o?M83")8$%97>RRQ7R?><?P7! c"))w+(5!N7!I<oYq=7!?5/+%(1!-1+92{!)%2!2%4-1!+2,1!-1+92{>!, pp.92-105, 2006.

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/. +. and %. !. @%, B%3%9%)*! otolith fingerprints unravel sea?lagoon lifetime migrations of gilthead sea bream ?)129/! 1921+17!012,-%!P&'*'45!Q2, ")@!*%8$)232@"%(!QP7![LH;!<R7<R?qM)'@>P>P7!

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\. , %. !. , /. +. , and &. /. G&, &3%-5!Z7[7!I>RR>=7!0'8%2-!1)), @%'5!J%.!S2'F7!

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$. I%, 7. !. , and /. +. , 2)5!g7G7!I<pp?=7!H)1'%%, !2+*1'%%4E!#$%'2%+,&1*!1-8!%(),2,&1*!)%2/)%&+

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