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, The use of "opportunistic" is not pejorative; this is a term used by the investment industry to qualify investment strategies and assets that aim for higher returns through higher risk

I. France, In the latter case, akin to an arm's length relationship, local authorities have to hold a majority of shares. The major shareholder in Sequano is the Seine-Saint-Denis district (département) (62%), in which Saint-Ouen is located. As a result, given her elected position at the district assembly, DCs are usually either under the authority of central government (Établissements Publics d'Aménagement) or of local government

, Urban design is understood in this paper as the overall organization of the built environment, such as land-use, public space

, Since then, the local design company and the developer have signed a leasing agreement (Le Parisien 18/06/2013) and the refurbishment has been officially launched