, A slur on the illegitimacy of Johann Grünwalder. However, Pope Martin V had already granted him a dispensation before the capitular election in 1422, cf. Mass, I, p.297

V. Martinus and . Colonna, Pope from 1417 to his death. His election at the Council of Constance effectively ended the Western Schism, pp.1378-1417

S. Nicodemo-della, Appointed Bishop of Freising by Martin V in 1422 though the cathedral chapter had elected Johann Grünwalder. Counsellor of Albrecht II and Friedrich III. One-time employer (1432-1433) and friend of Piccolomini who made him one of the speakers in his Pentalogus of 1443-4, Descendant of the Scaliger Family of Verona and Vicenza, pp.297-298

, The pope as vicar of God and Christ 12 Mass, I, p.298

. Leo, Pope from 440 to his death. Saint. Strong proponent of supreme papal authority, pp.400-461

, Letter of Pope Leo I to Anastas. Thessal. Quotation used in other letters and orations by Piccolomini

. Prosequor,

, quid Umbria, quid Picenum 1 , quid Aemilia? Ubinam 2 divini atque humani juris major quam in Italia cognitio? Itali tamen non depositum Eugenium dicunt, sed illi ut patri et animarum pastori oboediunt, Transi in Galliam. Quid rex Franciae? Quid dux Burgundiae? Quid illud Parisiense gymnasium 3 ? Quid Avinio? Quid Tolosa 4 ? Quid Montispesulani 5 vel Aurelianensis universitas? Quid Lovanienses? Num omnes Eugenium venerantur, ordinationique suae tamquam summi pontificis acquiescunt? Mira res: nec Renatus ex Apulia rejectus ab Eugenio dissentit, quamvis regnum sibi ademptum sciat. Nolo singulas lustrare provincias. Tute scis, quid Hispani, quid Angli, quid Scoti, quidne singuli Christianitatis reges in hoc schismate sentiant

, I see there are good men with Eugenius, supporting his cause: the Cardinal of Sant' Angelo, 1 who does not have his equal in learning and decency; the Cardinal of San

, Quam sedem non potuisse Frisingensibus