C. Abbreviations, DU dual EMPH emphasis ERG ergative GEN genitive IMP imperative INSTR instrumental levLOC level locative LOC locative NOM nominalizer NEG negative NPST.PRT non-past participle OBL obligation PLU plural POSS possessive pronoun PST.PRT past participle SOC sociative TEMP temporal TOP topic Personal agreement markers show the person and number of the two arguments separated by a, the order A/O

. Additionally, IMP indicate that it is a portmanteau morpheme covering person/number and either past or imperative respectively

A. Bibliography and J. Nicholas, Sketch of Thulung grammar, with three texts and a glossary, 1975.

_. In, Relativization in Bodic, Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society

H. and B. Houghton, 1880. Miscellaneous essays relating to Indian subjects

M. , B. Du, C. Noonan, and M. , La langue hayu Versatile nominalizations, Essays on language function and language type, pp.373-94, 1988.

R. and N. Kishore, A descriptive study of Bantawa, 1985.