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, State-machine replication (SMR) implements what is called in literature a universal construction 4 , that is a general mechanism to obtain a linearizable shared object from a sequential one. In Appendix A.2, we proved that Atlas correctly implements the SMR protocol specification given in §2. This section explains how to build a universal construction from this protocol. To achieve this, we first introduce some preliminary notions. Then, we explain how to implement any linearizable data type on top of the Atlas protocol

B. , Preliminaries We base our reasoning and algorithms upon the notion of trace 5 , that is a class of equivalent command words. Two words in a class contain the same commands and sort non-commuting ones in the same order. A trace can be seen as as special case of the notion of c

, We assume a sequential object specified by the following components: (i) a set of states ; (ii) an initial state s 0 ? ; (iii) a set of commands that can be performed on the object; (iv) a set of their response values ; and (v) a transition function ? : × ? × . In the following, we use special symbols ? and ? that do not belong to . When applying a command, we use .st and .val selectors to respectively extract the state and the response value, i.e., given a state s and a command c, we let ? (s, c) = (? (s, c).st, ? (s, c).val). Without lack of generality, we consider that commands are applicable to every state. A command c is a read if it does not change the object state: ?s. ? (s, c).st = s; otherwise, c is a write. We denote by Read and Write the set of read and write commands. Command words. A command word x is a sequence of commands. The empty word is denoted 1 and * is the set of all command words

, We write c i ? x when c occurs at least i > 0 times in x. pos(c i , x) is the position of the i-th occurrence of command c in x, with pos(c i , x) = 0 when c i x. The shorthand c i < x d j stands for pos(c i , x) < pos(d j , x)

. Lemma, Then, |xy| c equals |x | c + |y| c . Moreover, if c k ? xy then pos(c k , xy) equals pos(c k , x), if k ? |x | c and |x | + pos

, We define function ? * by the repeated application of ? . In detail, for a state s we define ? * (s, 1) = (s, nil), for some symbol nil ? , and if x is non-empty then we have: ? * (s, x) = ? (s

, Two commands c and d commute, written c d, if in every state s we have: ? * (s, cd)

, * (s, dc).val = ? * (s, c).val

, * (s, cd).val = ? * (s, d).val

, Two words x, y ? * are equivalent, written x ? y, when there exist words z 1 , . . . , z k ?1 such that z 1 = x, z k = y and for all i, 1 ? i < k, there exist words z ? , z ?? and commands c d satisfying z i = z ? cdz ?? , z i+1 = z ? dcz ?? . This means that a word can be obtained from another by successive transpositions of neighboring commuting commands

, Relation x ? y holds iff cmd(x) = cmd(y) and for any c ? d, c i < x d j ? c i < y d j

, If x ? y then for every command c, ? * (s 0 , x | ?c i ).val = ? * (s 0 , y| ?c i ), Lemma 5

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