, Map 6: Close-up of the French West Indies in the Lesser Antilles 6

, can clearly be seen on this map based on ALF data, where the orange circles correspond to this pronunciation. The intermediate variant, [u], presented as standard in French dictionaries throughout the twentieth century, was relatively rare (see the orange triangles) but we see a concentration in the central-eastern region. As far as, the primary Gallo-Romance dialects, vol.37

, It is hard to find written evidence of the pronunciation of [-t] in this word, as far as the standard language is concerned, due to the fact that it is always written with a final -t anyway; but a graphic form minuite is attested as early as 1536 (FEW 7, 215b, N?X) and leaves no doubt on the pronunciation of the final, A number of dialect forms

, the pronunciation of the final consonant is attested, although with a minority status (green circles); the modern standard variant, the one without final [-t] (brown circles), was already the norm, even for elderly rural speakers back in 1980. Nowadays, its hegemony would most probably be even stronger. Map 50: Concept "midnight" in Canada (ALEC, question 1717) Map 56: Concept "fish

, In Guadeloupe, the modern variant [wa] is hegemonic, with only one exception (point 16 in Marie-Galante, where it coexists with [we]). In Martinique

, The ex-British islands show slightly divergent patterns this time: Map 58: Concept "fish" in Dominica (ALPA, map 134) Map 59: Concept "fish

, Dominica has only retained the archaic variant [we], whereas St. Lucia also shows three instances of, p.41

, The French islands, as we can see below, have followed the normative pressure that has eliminated the stigmatized form in Europe: Map 61: Concept "underwear, boxer shorts" in Guadeloupe (ALPA, map 446) Map 62: Concept "underwear, boxer shorts

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