K. Jenny, D. Conservateur-du-patrimoine, and . De-loire, Umr 6298-ARTEHIS, DRAC-SRA Centre-Val de Loire, F-45000 Orléans

G. Élisabeth and A. Doctorante-contractuelle-ephe--umr-8546, Umr 8546 Aoroc, p.75005

, Warrior of Saint-Maur" is a statuette that was discovered by accident in 1983 in the Celtic and Roman sanctuary of Saint-Maur-en-Chaussée

, During this analysis, a similarity has been noticed between the shield carried by this warrior and some miniature votive shields. The metric and formal comparison with the miniature shields found in North-West Europe invites to a new critical reading on the identification and function of such objects. Fig. 6. Fibule à arc en forme de bouclier, Its restoration by the C2RMF gave rise to a new study of its manufacturing, function and dating, 2000.

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