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, Laplacian symmetric -extra-grad 144 33, vol.87

, Laplacian assymetric -extra-grad 480 35, vol.20, p.28

, Non-local TV assymmetric (several ?) 235

, Non-local TV assymmetric -extra-grad 226 37.83 30.98 28, vol.34, p.31

, Non-local TV assymmetric -extra-grad (several ?), vol.307, p.37

, Non-local Laplacian assymmetric (several ?) 235

, Non-local Laplacian assymmetric -extra-grad 226

, Non-local Laplacian assymmetric -extra-grad (several ?), vol.307, p.37

, Performance is measured in terms of average PSNR, Table A5: Patch level grayscale denoising on BSD68, training on BSD400 for all methods

, Sparse Coding + Barzilai-Borwein 68k 37, vol.85, p.31

, Sparse Coding + Variance

, Sparse Coding + TV 68k

, Sparse Coding + TV + Variance 68k 37, vol.84

, Sparse Coding + TV + Variance + Barzilai-Borwein 68k 37, vol.86, pp.29-33

, Non-local group -symmetric 68k 37, vol.94, p.16

, Non-local group -assymetric 68k 37, vol.95, p.29, 2019.

, Non-local group -assymetric + TV 68k

, Non-local group -assymetric + Variance

, Non-local group -assymetric + Variance + TV

+. Groupsc and . Variance,