;. Conflict-free-iff-s-?-de and Q. ,

, Admissible iff it is conflict free and (S ? Q) ? Acc(U)

, Complete iff it is conflict free and (S ? Q) = Acc(U)

, Preferred iff it is a -maximal admissible structure

, Grounded iff it is a -minimal complete structure

, Arg-preferred iff it is a ar -maximal admissible structure

;. Stable-iff-s-=-a-\-de and . Inh,

, L(x) = out) =? (?? ? K s.t. t(?) = x, K (?) = in and A (s(?)) = in)

, L(x) = out) ?= (?? ? K s.t. t(?) = x, K (?) = in and A (s(?)) = in)

, L(x) = in) =? (?? ? K s.t. t(?) = x, K (?) = out or A (s(?)) = out)

, L(x) = in) ?= (?? ? K s.t. t(?) = x, K (?) = out or A (s(?)) = out)

, x) = out) =? (?? ? K s.t. t(?) = x, K (?) = in and A (s(?)) = in

, According to the definition of Struct2Lab(U), we have x ? (De f (U) ? Inh(U)). Following the definitions of De f (U) and Inh(U), we can state that there exists an attack ? such that ? ? Q, s(?) ? S and t(?) = x. According to the definition of Struct2Lab(U), we have so K (?) =, Let x ? (A ? K) be an argument or an attack such that L(x) = out

, notion) and also between reinstatement labellings (AF notion) and reinstatement RAF labellings (RAF notion)

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