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, ) | = Post A (?, µ(i)). We have Post A (?, u) | = Post A (?, u) for all u ? ? * . But since ? is a finite set, also the set {Post A (?, u) | u ? ? * } is finite. Thus there exists k ? 0 such that

, Proposition 2. Given a formula ? ? Form + (Q, x) and a ? ?, we have ?(?, a) ? ?Q . ?[Q /Q]? q?Q

I. , for some valuations ? : Q ? B and ? : x ? Data I , ? : x ? Data I , then we build a valuation ? : Q ? B such that I, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | = ?[Q /Q] ? q?Q (q ? ?(q, a)). For each occurrence of a formula ?(q, a) in ?(?, a) we set ? (q ) = true if I, ? ? ? ? ? | = ?(q, a) and ? (q ) = false, otherwise. Since there are no negated occurrences of such subformulae, the definition of ? is consistent, and the check I, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | = ?

, We apply Proposition 2 recursively and get: Post A (?, u)

, we obtain a model for Acc A (u) ? Post A (?, u)?? n+1

A. Acc, ;. Post-a-;-|-=-i-n-?-?-n+1, and .. , (n k?1 , a k , n k ), where n 0 = r and (n, a, m) = (n i?1 , a i , n i ), for some i ? [1, k] and, moreover, a 1 . . . a k was found, at some point, to be a spurious counterexample. Let , I ? 0 , . . . , I ? k , ? be an interpolant for ?(a 1 . . . a k ) ? ?(r) ? k i=1 ? i ? q?R(n k ) (q k ? ?), such that I ? i ? Form + (Q, x), for all i ? [0, k]. According to Lyndon's Interpolation Theorem, it is possible to build such an interpolant, when ?(a 1 . . . a k ) is unsatisfiable. By Proposition 2, we obtain ? i (I ? i?1 , a i )[Q i /Q] ? ?Q i?1 . I ? i?1 [Q i?1 /Q, x i?1 /x]? ? i and, since I ? i?1 [Q i?1 /Q, x i?1 /x]?? i | = I ? i, = 0, we have Post A (?, ?) we compute: Post A

, Since ?(n i?1 ) = ??? I ? i?1 and ?(n i ) = ??? I ? i , we obtain Post A (?(n i?1 ), a i ) | = ?

, We prove first that

W. Initially and E. Thus, Suppose that (4) holds at when reaching line 3 and some node n was removed from W and inserted into N. We distinguish two cases, either: -n is covered, in which case W becomes W \ {n} and (4) holds, or -n is not covered, in which case W becomes (W \{n})?S , where S = {s N | (n, a, s) ? E, a ? ?} is the set of fresh successors of n, ) holds trivially

, or -for each a ? ? there exists s ? N such that (n, a, s) ? E. We prove that, in this case, n?N ?(n) defines a safety invariant and conclude that L(A) = ?, by Lemma 2. To this end, let u = a 1 . . . a k ? ? * be an arbitrary sequence and let v 1 be the largest prefix of u that labels a path from r to some node n 1 ? N. If v 1 = u we are done. Otherwise, by the choice of v 1 , it must be the case that a successor of n 1 is missing from (N, E), thus n 1 must be covered, by (4) and the fact that W = ?, v ? ? * and nodes r = m 0 , m 1 , . . . , m such that

. Moreover, ) | = ?(m ) and we are done showing that n?N ?(n) is an invariant. To prove that n?N ?(n) is, moreover, a safety invariant, suppose that Acc A (u) is satisfiable, for some u ? ? * and let n ? N be a node such that Post A (?, u) | = ?(n). By the previous point, such a node must exist