. Nicholls, , pp.83-87

. Quoted-in-peden, See also Prosper Boissonnade, Life and Work in Medieval Europe, pp.78-79, 1921.

, Boissonnade's book was first published in French in 1921 under the title of Le Travail dans l'Europe Chrétienne au Moyen Age

I. Peden, , pp.81-82

S. Allen, , pp.35-40

D. Lloyd, Rethinking National Marxism: James Connolly and 'Celtic Communism, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, vol.5, issue.3, pp.345-370, 2003.

D. Lloyd, Why Read Connolly?, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, vol.10, issue.1, pp.116-123, 2008.

J. Githens-mazer, Modern Socialism: Myths, Memories and Symbols of the Irish Nation in the Writings of James Connolly, vol.10, pp.86-101, 2008.