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, Presence (red circles) and absence (white circles) of Podocarpus (a) and Araucaria (b) 756 pollen in HS1 records of Brazil. Areas above 610 m elevation are highlighted in red. Dashed line is 757 the border of Brazil. Base layer: Shaded relief image of ETOPO1 Global DEM (continental area: 758 shaded relief illumination from 060?N, 30? above horizon, 40 times vertical exaggeration, Figure, vol.1

, Figure 2: SSA, SSN and SSB migration routes for montane taxa during HS1 and pollen record 761 locations in Brazil (open circles). Route SSA extends from southern/southeastern Brazil to southern 762

, Amazonia in the State of Pará. Route SSN extends from Southern-Southeastern to Northeastern 763

, Brazil lacks palynological support but is supported by modern distributions of montane taxa and 764

C. Lagoa-do, SSB route connects coastal southern and southeastern sites 765 up to 18 o S synchronous with polar air mass incursions and lowered temperatures as supported by 766 pollen evidence. Areas above 610 m elevation are highlighted in red, vol.767

. Brazil, Base layer: Shaded relief image of ETOPO1 Global DEM (continental area: shaded relief 768 illumination from 060?N, 30? above horizon, 40 times vertical exaggeration

, Montane forest potential distribution during HS1 represented by Podocarpus, p.771

. Araucaria, where black and white circles indicate presence and absence, respectively, in pollen 772 records. White areas show SDM maps generated in MaxEnt version 3.3.3k for prediction of montane 773 forests, using presence in pollen records during HS1 correlated with climatic layers from CCSM3

, Areas above 610 m elevation are highlighted in red, Trace21k dataset, vol.775

. Brazil, Base layer: Shaded relief image of ETOPO1 Global DEM (continental area: shaded relief 776 illumination from 060?N, 30? above horizon, 40 times vertical exaggeration

, Boxplot of monthly averages of convective precipitation rate (PRECC) in mm/month (a) 779 and mean monthly surface temperature TS °C (b) at Chapada do Apodi, next to Caçó Lake, derived 780 from Simulation of the Transient Climate of the Last 21000 Years (TraCE-21k) during HS1

, Scatter plot of altitude (m) vs. latitude (°S) for Podocarpus (a) and Araucaria (b) as 784 indicated by presence (filled circles) and absence (clear circles) in pollen records during HS1

, Araucaria angustifolia (b) 788 where occurrences of taxa are shown by yellow and blue dots, respectively. White areas show SDM 789 maps generated by MaxEnt version 3.3.3k for prediction of montane forest, using presence from 790 SpeciesLink and SiBBr / GBIF database and 19 bioclimatic data layers from WorldClim dataset 791 version 2.0. Areas above 610 m elevation are highlighted in red. Dashed line is the border of Brazil. 792 Base layer: Shaded relief image of ETOPO1 Global DEM (continental area: shaded relief 793 illumination from 060?N, 30? above horizon, 40 times vertical exaggeration, Figure 6. Modern Potential Distribution maps for Podocarpus

, Figure 7. PCA biplot for the modern distribution of Podocarpus lambertii and Araucaria 797