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, Overall, how did you feel performing the task with and without the exoskeleton? ? Difference between with and without? ? General feeling without: difficult? Physically fatiguing? ? General feeling with the exoskeleton: more/less effort doing the task? Physically and mentally? ? General feeling: was its

, exoskeleton? ? Sensation of general comfort / discomfort / neutral? ? How does the contact between the exoskeleton and your body make you feel? ? Impression that your body is constrained? ? How about the idea of being "augmented

, How did you feel during the first trials? ? Sensation of general comfort / discomfort? Any change in time?

, ? How were your movements? Were some movements specifically easier/harder than without the exoskeleton? ? Did you have the impression that you were constrained? ? Did you have the impression that you were making better movements with time? ? Did you feel safe? Safer or less than at the beginning? ? Any fears, concerns? ? Overall, was the sensation of wearing and using the exoskeleton becoming better or worse?

, to the exoskeleton? ? How about the level of assistance of the exoskeleton: correct/not enough/too much? ? Did you feel that you had learned how to use it? ? Did you feel the exoskeleton was specifically helpful/annoying during specific movements or parts of the task? ? Did you feel safe? Safer or less than at the beginning? ? Any fears, concerns? ? Overall, was the sensation of wearing and using the exoskeleton better or worse than the initial one (the first impression

. Overall, of the experiment? ? Do you feel the support of the exoskeleton a relief for you or not? ? Is it comfortable to wear? Comfortable to use? ? Does it allow you to move freely or do you feel constrained? ? Overall, do you feel positive/neutral/negative towards the system? ? Would you use it again for overhead work?

, What are, in your opinion, the elements to improve in using the exoskeleton? ? Design ? Weight ? Temperature ? Safety TABLE V: List of questions used to orient the semi