, Returns the data values as (x,y). ? path (str) path to data file ? fileread (str) data file -def i spectral2(xv,yv,itime,path='./',instr='noise') Use subtractive synthesis to sonify data structure. Returns the sound file. ? xv,yv (float) data structure to sonify ? path (str) path to data file ? fileread (str) data file -def i time series(xv,yv,path='./',instr='csb701') Use csound instruments to sonify data structures as time-series. Returns the sound file. ? xv,yv (float) data structure to sonify ? path (str) path to data file ? fileread (str) data file ? instr (str) csound instrument (it can be modified by user) -def MIDImap(pdt,scale,nnote) Data to MIDI conversion on a given scale defined in scaleMapping (see below). Returns the MIDI data structure. ? pdt (float) data structure mapped to MIDI numbers ? scale (float) scale mapping (from scaleMapping) ? nnote (int) number of notes in the scale, Training and validation accuracy and loss in a typical Neural Network model learning run -def r 1Ddata(path,fileread) Read data file in a multicolumn format (csv files can be easily put in this format using Pandas)

(. Midiscore and &. Music, /music') Display score or writes to file ? yvf (float) data structure mapped to MIDI numbers (from MIDImap) ? dur (int) reference duration ? w (logical) if True writes either musicxml or MIDI file) -def MIDImidi(yvf,vnorm=80,dur=4,outmidi='./music') Display score or writes to file ? yvf (float) data structure mapped to MIDI numbers (from MIDImap) ? vnorm

M. Buongiorno-nardelli, Topology of Networks in Generalized Musical Spaces, 2019.

M. Buongiorno-nardelli, M. Aramaki, S. Ystad, and R. Kronland-martinet, , 2019.

M. Buongiorno-nardelli, materialssoundmusic: a computer-aided data-driven composition environment for the sonification and dramatization of scientific data streams, International Computer Music Conference Proceedings, p.356, 2015.

M. Buongiorno-nardelli, Beautiful Data: Reflections for a Sonification and PostSonification Aesthetics, Leonardo Gallery: Scientific Delirium Madness, vol.51, pp.227-238, 2018.