, // Allocation of host buffers float* hostInputBuffer = (float* )malloc(M*sizeof

, float* hostOutputBuffer = (float* )malloc(M*sizeof

, Simulation of Callback adaptor

, for (i = 0; i< n ; i++) { printf, p.-\n

, Callback %d \n

, ReadInputHostBuffer(adaptor)

, PrintCallbackAdaptorState(adaptor

(. Hostcallback and M. Hostoutputbuffer,

, PrintCallbackAdaptorState(adaptor

, WriteOutputHostBuffer(adaptor)

}. Deletecallbackadaptor,

. }-int-main-;-{-printf, , pp.\n-\n

, Simulation of Callback adaptor\n

. Simulate, , vol.512, 2016.

, End of simulation \n

}. References, Asio 2.0 Audio Streaming Input Ouput Developement kit. Steinberg (c) 1997-1999 Steinberg Softund harware GmbH

P. Ross-bencina and . Burk, PortAudio : an Open Source Cross Platform Audio API, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 2001.

, Stephane Letz "Porting PortAudio API on ASIO, 2001.