. Transcription and . .. Sons,

. .. Voyelles-longues,

. Longueur-phonetique and . .. Expressive,

. Voyelles, . En, and . .. De-mot,

. Transcription and . .. Suscrit,

. Transcription-de-la and . .. Hamza,

. .. Les-determinants,

. .. Les-pronoms,

. .. Le-pronom-relatif,

. .. Les-pronoms-interrogatifs,

. .. Les-pronoms-demonstratifs,

. .. Particules-et-prepositions,

. .. Les-chiffres,

. .. Morphologie-verbale,

. .. Morphologie-nominale,

. Autres and . .. Conventionnels,

L. .. ,

. .. Les-travaux-existants,

L. .. Communes, . Un-mot-=-une, . Et, and . .. Transcription,

L. .. Specifiques,

. .. Questions-courantes,

. .. Bibliographie-complementaire,

N. Habash, M. Diab, and . Owen, , 2011.

. Habash, . Diab, and . Rambow, Unified Guidelins and Resources for Arabic Dialect Orthography

D. Habash, ;. Rambow, D. Maamouri, H. Graff, and . Jin, Conventional Orthography for Dialectal Arabic

. Maamouri, J. Graff, and C. Buckwalter, Dialectal Arabic Orthography-based Transcription & CTS Levantine Arabic Collection

&. Références-en-ligne-;-zawaydeh, S. Et-makhoul, ;. Habash, . Diab, and . Rambow, Guidelines for Transcribing Arabic Dialects, Conventional Orthography for Dialectal Arabic (CODA): Principles and Guidelines -Egyptian Arabic

-. Jarrar, A. , A. , Z. Bartolotti, A. et al., A Conventional Orthography for Algerian Arabic

-. , A. Regragui, ;. Orthography-for-maghrebi-arabic, . Boujelbane, E. Masmoudi et al.,