/. Ensadlab, O. Ican, and . Citu-paragraph, Accommodation in Second Life: La Bibliothèque Francophone du Metaverse-Partners: Coalition Cyborg

, A generic term for a region of the simulated space

, A term established by Etienne-Armand Amato to describe an action research, which is a method of scientific research founded by Kurt Lewin, whose field of action and exploration is that of artistic experimentation. See C. Sistach, « Inter Screen, une recherche-action artistique, 2012.

, This is either metaverse such as Second Life or OpenSim, or MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games)

, On the notion of screen in Roland Barthes and its adaptation to new technologies, see: Lev Manovitch, The Langage of New Media, Cambrige, pp.214-224, 2001.

. Cf, . Hobbes, and O. Leviathan, , pp.62-63, 1983.

, Space, Kit Galloway et Sherrie Rabinovitz, liaison satellitaire NY-LA, 1980.

T. Giraud and V. Levy,

V. Christiane and . De-hobbes-À-foucault, La virtualité du corps politique réalisée dans le corps biologique », Symposium Retour au virtuel : vie et cultures numériques

A. Etienne-armand, Le jeu vidéo comme dispositif d'instanciation, PhD of Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, Université Paris, vol.8, 2008.