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, APPENDIX We present implementation details for each of the three RL baselines that we experiment with (see Sec. IV of main paper)

, A. Deep Q-Network ? Implementation: Keras-rl

, ? Normalization of inputs ? Adam: learning rate = 0.001, ? 1 = 0.9, ? 2 = 0.999 ? Policy: Boltzmann policy (softmax) with temperature 1. ? 1500 timesteps warmup ? Soft updates

, 3))-Convolution 1-D (filters: 32, kernel size: 8, 1)-Convolution 1-D (48,4,1)-Convolution 1-D (64,3,1)-Max, ? Replay buffer size: 500000 ? Architecture: Input (shape =, vol.64

B. Asynchronous, Advantage Actor-Critic ? Implementation

, ? 5 actor-learner threads, all methods performed updates after every 20 actions (t max = 20 and I update = 20)

, No action repeat: execute action on every frame (action repeat = 1)

, ? Architecture: Convolution 1-D (filters: 32, kernel size: 8, 1)-Convolution 1-D

C. Direct, Direct-Future-Prediction-Keras ? Adam: learning rate = 0.00001, ? 1 = 0.9, ? 2 = 0.999 ? Measurements used: score, number of fruits picked up, Future Prediction ? Implementation

, ? Normalization of inputs and measurements ? 1000 timesteps warmup ? Training interval: 3 timesteps ? Policy, p.300000

?. Replay and . Size, ? Architecture: We only modify the convolutional part with: Convolution 1-D (filters: 32, kernel size: 8, 1)Convolution 1-D (48,4,1)-Convolution 1-D (64,3,1)Max Pooling 1-D, the rest is unchanged. Deep Q-Network agent after learning in the experiments. The video can be found here, 20000.