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, Appendix 1: References of the data collections used FTC -Finnish Language Text Collection -Suomen kielen tekstikokoelma. Electronic collection of written Finnish gathered by the Research Institute for the Languages in Finland, the Department of General Linguistics of the University of Helsinki and the Foreign Languages, 2014.

. Sa--syntaxe-archives--lauseopin-x-arkisto, Research Institute for the Languages of Finland and School of Languages and Translation Studies

. Ade--adessive, . All--allative, . Aux--auxiliary, . Clt--clitic, . Compcomplementizer et al., IMP -imperative, INDEF -indefinite, IND -indicative, INE -inessive, INF -infinitive, IPF -imperfect, JUSS -jussive, NEG -negation, NOM -nominative, OPT -optative, PARTpartitive, PASS -passive, PL -plural, POSS -possessive, POT -potential, vol.2