, Dark Triad, vol.16, issue.3 6

, can be seen the interesting result in Machiavellianism, i.e. that already 40 % (60/150) of the Croatian sample was high in Machiavellianism, what is much more than in Slovak sample, i.e. 8% (15/185). Also, regarding this variable by the gender in the Croatian sample were already 70% (23/33) males high on Machiavellianism in comparison with 24% (8/34) in Slovak sample. The same domination of Machiavellianism of Croatian sample is present by women, i.e, Source: Research results From the table 6, p.32

, The explanation of such a situation can be the same as it is discussed in the part 3.2. In the narcissism variable, there are not such differences namely it is identified 8% (12/117) by Croats and 7% (13/151) by the Slovaks, and similar situation is present by the gender. Namely, higher narcissism showed 9% (7/33) of Croats and 6% (2/34) of Slovak males, and by women this was 8% (9/117) by Croats and 7% (11/151) by Slovaks respectively (online) http://jssidoi.org/jesi, Machiavellianism in Croatian sample in comparison with Slovak sample, 2018.

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B. Mario, P. Docent, and . Economics, BSc Psychology, senior research associate, has been employed in business, primary, secondary, college study level and from 01 on Faculty of Economics University in Split, on the Management Department, Croatia. On the ground of achieved grant of Slovak government was visiting professor, teacher and researcher (docent, senior research associate) at Faculty of Economics Matej Bell University in Banská Bystrica in summer semester His professional area of interest is general management, human resources management (HRM), organizational behaviour, strategic management, strategies of new product, business ethics, entrepreneurship. He published about 65 scientific and professional papers. As visiting professor he taught also in several European countries in the topics of business ethics, HRM, organizational behaviour, entrepreneurship. He was active in several scientific projects, and was leader for introducing new study programs and courses on master level in the area of organization and management, 2008.

O. Id, , pp.0-0003

V. Milota, . Ing, and . Phd, Republic of Slovakia employed from 01 September 1975 until now. Her main duties and responsibilities were: courses of human resources management, courses of managerial communication, communication skills ? training, research in the field of human resources, member of state exams, author, co-author, member of science committees, member of programme committees of conferences, expert of managing of human resources as dean of Faculty of Now is professor on the, vice dean for pedagogical study Faculty of Economics MBU study stay in Regional National Council vice rector for pedagogical study, 1978.

O. Id, , pp.0-0001

F. Stanislav and A. P. Ing, PhD. is the Vice-Rector for foreign affairs an teacher of the School of Economics and management in Public Administration in Bratislava His text books, monographs and scientific papers deal with the Risk and crisis managemtn in public sector, international crisis management and public administration at the national and EU level. He is succesfull leader and manager of the several scientific projects with support from the EU structural funds. He also organise and control international colaboration and Erasmus plus program with the high educational and research institutions in abroad

O. Id, , pp.0-0003