, The ratio between anonymous comments and single sign-on comments

, The ratio between the number of the commenters and that of the comments

, The shaping of a minority opinion (in the case of Delfi


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, He has published over 30 articles in Lithuanian and foreign scientific journals, monograph, textbook, focused on e-government and e-business. His additional areas of research and expertise are ? IT law regulation and policy, digital content, digital media, privacy and data protection issues. Tadas Limba is a member of Lithuanian Computer Society since, 2007.

, He is visiting professor at Zaragoza University in Spain. He plays an active role in international communication and development of joint double degree studies program

O. Id:-orcid,

, Aurimas ?IDLAUSKAS is the Information Security Officer at Lithuanian National Radio and Television. He got two Master's degrees in Electronic Business Management (Cybersecurity Management in 2018 and Electronic Business Management in 2015) from Mykolas Romeris University. His areas of interest are cybersecurity, data protection, IT systems, p.entrepreneurship

, ORCID ID: orcid.org, pp.0-0003