T. Iv, A. Events, . Highest, and . In,

E. Audioset and -. , Audioset-At-30 -AP, (AUC) AP Drop (% Drop) Speech synthesizer 0, p.506

, Air horn truck horn 0, p.310

, Vehicle horn, honking 0, pp.64-913

, Chopping, vol.285

, TABLE VIII BEST 10 AND WORST 10 PERFORMING EVENTS (ORDERED BY AP) FOR YOUTUBE-WILD Events (Best 10) YouTube-Wild Audioset-40 Events (worst 10) YouTube-Wild Audioset-40

, 961) Engine 0.048, p.316755

, 882) Violin, fiddle 0.041, (0.692) 0.446, (0.945) Chicken, rooster 0, Animal 0.289

, 728) 0.613476) 0.427, (0.925) Laughter 0.233, (0.881) 0.612, p.39


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