, the universities leading the reforms within the higher education institutions in the East-African region between the 1990s and the 2000s had a background in " hard " science. Francis J. Gichaga (Vice-Chancellor of the UoN from 1991 to 2002) is a professor in engineering, Matthew L. Luhanga (Vice-Chancellor of the UDSM between 1991 and 2006) is an engineer in computer science

P. M. John and . Ssebuwufu, Vice-Chancellor of the Makerere University in Uganda between 1993 and 2004) is a professor in chemistry and Gaston Hakiza (Vice-Chancellor of the University of Burundi in Burundi from 2005 and 2014) is a professor in applied science The academic profiles of the university reform leaders in Europe are similar, pp.306-318, 2009.

S. Gichaga-'s and . Ongeri, from the Department of Pediatrics and D. P. S. Wasavo, a longstanding professor of zoology. Both have been Chairman of the UoN Council in the 1990s. A third advisor of Gichaga is M. Cheserem, Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya, who was appointed Treasurer of the Council during the same period, pp.101-130, 2011.

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