G. and G. , Let f n ? · · · ? f 1 = id P 2 be a relation in Bir R (P 2 ) with f i ? G * ? G ? . By Theorem 2.5(1) for each i = 1, . . . , r there are links ? i1, ? iri such that f i = ? iri ? · · · ? ? i1 . Then ? nrn ? · · · ? ? n1 ? · · · ? ? 1r1 ? · · · ? ? 11 = id P

, Remark 3.10), and each elementary relation corresponds to a loop around the boundary of an elementary disc (Theorem 2.5). Elementary discs are classified in Proposition 2.8. The boundary of discs D 1 , D 3 and D 5 respectively corresponds to a relation in G ? ? G * , in G ? and in G * , respectively. We attach to *, is a relation inside the groupoid Sar R (P 2 ) and is thus a composition of conjugates of elementary relations

G. ,

. Moreover, ;. We-have-g-*-?-g-?-=-h-by-lemma, and G. By, Lemma 3.6 and Corollary 3.12. So the amamlgamated structure on Bir R (P 2 ) is nontrivial. Finally, the index of G * is uncountable by Lemma 3.7 and the index of G ? is uncountable by Corollary 3.12. Theorem 1.3. The homomorphism ? : Bir R (P 2 ) ? (0,1] Z/2Z from Proposition 3.11 coincides with the one given in [18, Proposition 5.3] since its restriction to J ? is the surjective homomorphism ? : J ? ? (0,1] Z/2Z and its kernel contains G * by construction, hence it also contains Aut R (P 2 ) and J * . The kernel of ? is, vol.3

G. ?g?-g-?, Then every element of Bir R (P 2 ) of finite order has a fixed point on T . It follows that very finite subgroup of Bir R (P 2 ) has a fixed point on T [15, §I.6.5, Corollary 3], and is in particular conjugate to a subgroup of G * or of G ? . For infinite algebraic subgroups of Bir R (P 2 ), it suffices to check the claim for the maximal algebraic subgroups of Bir R (P 2 )

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S. Zimmermann, Laboratoire angevin de recherche en mathématiques (LAREMA), CNRS, Université d'Angers, 49045 Angers Cedex 1, France E-mail address: susanna.zimmermann@univ-angers