F. Methodology, Available on: http://www.fatfgafi .org/media, pp.56-62, 2013.

*. *. Inter and . Acc, recommendation 18-23 of the FATF recommendations

?. ?. Acc, FATF National Money laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment Available on: http://www.fatfgafi.org/publications/methodsandtrends/documents/nationalmoneylaunderingandterroristfinancingriskassessm ent.html and acc. FATF Methodology FATF Available on: http://www.fatfgafi .org/media/fatf/documents/methodology/FATF%20Methodology-March%202017-Final.pdf, The International Journal ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES, vol.5, issue.27, pp.39-40, 2013.

§. §. Inter and . Acc, recommendation 18-23 of the FATF recommendations

*. *. Possible, Relevant regulatory framework in relation to the compliance function; Information on internal compliance function and policies of firms in the assessed business/profession; Findings of the AML on-site inspections and off-site monitoring; External (if any) and internal audit reports on adequacy and effectiveness of compliance function; Statistics on disciplinary actions taken by the firms (of the assessed business/profession) against their staff for breaches of compliance policy; Statistics on new clients or business declined or business relationship terminated, based on recommendations of the compliance staff; Interviews/consultations with regulatory/supervisory authority (e.g., an SRB or other competent authority); Interviews/consultations with assessed business/profession's representatives, including an SRB and professional associations; Surveys of management and staff of firms that make up the assessed business/profession. Compare to FATF National Money laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment, FATF, pp.39-40, 2013.

?. ?. Acc, FATF National Money laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment, FATF, 2013 p.39-40 , Available on: http://www.fatfgafi.org/publications/methodsandtrends/documents/nationalmoneylaunderingandterroristfinancingriskassessm ent.html and acc. FATF Methodology FATF, pp.56-62

?. ?. Inter and . Acc, recommendation 20-21 of the FATF recommendations

*. *. Inter and . Acc, recommendation 22-27 of the FATF recommendation's, FATF, 2016, Available at: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media

?. ?. Acc, FATF National money laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment, FATF, pp.13-16, 2013.

§. §. Acc, FATF National money laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment, FATF, pp.13-16, 2013.

*. *. Acc, FATF National money laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment, FATF, pp.13-16, 2013.

?. ?. Availableonhtml and . Acc, FATF National Moneylaundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assesment, FATF Available on: http://www.fatfgafi.org/publications/methodsandtrends/documents/nationalmoneylaunderingandterroristfinancingriskassessm ent, html The International Journal ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES, vol.5, issue.27, pp.13-16, 2013.

F. Methodology and F. , Available on: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf, 2013.

. Fatf-recoomendations and . Fatf, Available at: http://www.fatfgafi .org/media/fatf, 2016.