. Moreover, [1/2, 2], one can find constant a = a(? ? ), b = b(? ? ) and M = M (? ? , c 0 ) as above that are uniform in ?. This ends the proof. As in the continuous case, we can deduce that the one-arm event decreases polynomially fast

B. Notation, If 0 < r < s < +?, we write A(r, s) = [?s, s] 2 \] ? r, r[ 2 and we write Arm ? 0 (r, s (resp. Arm * ,? 0 (r, s)) for the event that there is an ?-black path rom the inner boundary of A(r, s) to its outer boundary made of black edges (resp. that lives in the white region of the plane) in the discrete percolation model of mesh ? defined in the beginning of Section 3

B. Proposition, Assume that f satisfies Conditions 1.7, 1.8, 1.10 as well as Condition 1.9 for some ? > 4. There exists C = C(?) < +? and ? = ?(?) > 0 such that, for each ? ?]0, 1], for each s ? [1, +?[ and r ? [1, s[: P [Arm ? 0 (r, s)] , P Arm * ,? 0 (r, s) ? C (r/s) ?

. Proof, First note that, since f and ?f have the same law, we have: 8 (P Arm ?, * 0 (r + ?, s ? ?) ?) P [Arm ? 0 (r, s)] ? P Arm ?

B. Proposition, With the same hypotheses as Proposition B.6, for each ? ?]0, 1] a.s. there is no unbounded black component in the discrete percolation model of mesh ? defined in the beginning of Section 3

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A. Rivera and U. , Grenoble Alpes UMP5582, Institut Fourier, 38000 Grenoble, France alejandro.rivera@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr Supported by the ERC grant Liko No 676999

U. and I. C. Jordan, 69100 Villeurbanne, France vanneuville@math.univ-lyon1.fr http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/ ~ vanneuville