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, ? Pius II: Commentaries. Ed. M. Meserve and M. Simonetta. Vols. 1 ff, 2003.

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I. I. Pius, Orationes politicae et ecclesiasticae. Ed. Giovanni Domenico Mansi. 3 vols. Lucca: Benedini, pp.1755-1759

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, Even the French cardinals

I. Eugenius and . Condulmer, Pope from 1431 to his death, pp.1383-1447

V. Nicolaus and . Parentucelli, Pope from 6 March 1447 until his death, pp.1397-1455

I. Callixtus, Pope from 1455 to his death in 1458. The first Borgia Pope, pp.1378-1458

I. Ferrante, King of Naples from 1458 to his death, pp.1423-1494

F. Sforza and I. , Italian condottiero, founder of the Sforza dynasty in, pp.1401-1466

. Borso-d'este, Duke of Ferrara, and first Duke of Modena, which he ruled from 1450 until his death, pp.1413-1471

J. Piccinino, , pp.1423-1465

I. , René d'Anjoiu

N. De-brancas, Bishop of Marseille from, pp.1445-1466

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(. Ambrose and . Ca, Bishop of Milan, vol.9, pp.340-397

;. Ecclesiasticus, O. , S. , and T. , Quasi stella matutina in medio nebulae, et quasi luna plena, in diebus suis lucet : et quasi sol refulgens, sic ille effulsit in templo Dei 11 ac O 12 magis N, vol.50

O. , S. , S. , O. , S. et al., Hugues de Fleury: French monk and historian who flourished in the beginning of the 12th century cura omit, Ut autem 24 unde venimus et ad quid, breviter edicamus et cursum orationis, quantum fieri poterit 25 , restringamus 26 . Venimus, pater beatissime, ab illa Christianissima Francorum domo regia, cujus per orbis climata 27 , cujus per saecula multa 28 praeclara merita 29 claruere 30 et nomen regno undique : undique in regno M 8 tui veneracionem : reverentiam N, vol.18

. Scio, T. N. , O. , S. , N. et al., approbatae consuetudinis existere in prima legatione tum 25 pro celsitudine dignitatis, tum pro personae meritis laudes et magnalia congerere 26 . Optarem 1 dominice T; et add

O. Hanc-unquam, S. Memorari-m;-nemorum-n;-memori, O. , S. , T. et al., P, vol.18

, Allusion to the Feast of Saint Martin of Tours, whose feastday had just been celebrated 27 rege O, S, T 28 omit. N, O, S, T 29 omit. M 30 ad fidem ? tecum : que tecum ad fidem plenitudine S

O. , S. , T. , and V. ,

. Galatians, operemur bonum ad omnes, maxime autem ad domesticos fidei et laetabitur : laetabitur et laetatur O, S, T 9 parum M, vol.6

, Superest pro totius hujus nostrae orationis conclusione brevissima, ut de sacratissima hujus 1 conventionis materia aliquid 2 sed brevius, sed compendiosius subjungamus, nosque 3 vice regia praesentantes in ea 4 et benevolos auditores -juxta 5 polliciti 6 seriem ordinis -et devotissimos 7 cooperatores 8

, Jam lacrimas excutit {123v} dolor, verbisque viam 16 suspiria stringunt totumque hominem ad lamenta convertunt. Flevit propheta sanctae civitatis Jerosolimae 17 18 excidium, crebras cum lacrimis lamentationes ingeminans. Quanto magis, si locus pateretur et tempus, deflenda 19 nobis non urbis, non populi, non gentis unius tantum, sed multarum, sed amplissimarum, famosissimarum ac 20 opulentissimarum acerbissima discrimina, ubi non rerum, non locorum tantum amissio, sed pessima, sed miserabilis servitus, et captivitas personarum et damnatio timenda animarum, Christiani 21 nominis 22 interitus pariter et occasus, quod 23 historiarum labor

O. and S. , Materia conventionis aggrediatur in marg. M 12 sanctissimis N, O, S, T 13 meritis N 14 atque piissimo omit. O, S, T 15 tuum et omit. N, vol.16

O. Iherosolimitane, S. 18-sanctae-civitatis, and J. ,

, Liquefacta est terra et omnes qui habitant in ea, Psalms, vol.74

N. , O. , and S. ,

, Magnificabit dominus nomen tuum, ut 18 non recedat laus tua de ore hominum, sed sicut censuimus a principio praemittere: Secundum nomen tuum sic et 19 20 laus tua in fines terrae

, Exerce igitur teipsum ad ipsam 24 tui nominis pietatem, quae valet ad omnia et promissionem habere 1 deus P 2 sessor primus : primus sessor, Magnum -inquit apostolus -pietatis sacramentum 21 22 , magnus quaestus pietatis 23 cum sufficientia

. Peter, Novit dominus pios de tentatione eripere: iniquos vero in diem judicii reservare cruciandos, vol.2

. Annales and . Card, , pp.1659-1663

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G. Picotti and . Battista, La dieta di Mantova a la politica de' Veneziani, p.1912

I. I. Pius, Commentarii rerum memorabilium quae suis temporibus contigerunt, 1464.

I. I. Pius, Commentarii rervm memorabilivm que svis temporibus contigervnt, A van Heck. 2 vols. Città del Vaticano, pp.312-313, 1984.

, ? Pius II: Commentaries. Ed. M. Meserve and M. Simonetta. Vols. 1 ff, 2003.

I. Pius and . Orationes,

I. I. Pius, Orationes politicae et ecclesiasticae. Ed. Giovanni Domenico Mansi. 3 vols. Lucca: Benedini, pp.1755-1759

, ? Orations of Pope Pius II, Cotta-Schönberg, vol.12, 2019.

B. Pocquet-du-haut-jussé, Les papes et les ducs de Bretagne. Essai sur les rapports du Saint-Siège avec un état. 2 vols, 1928.

G. Voigt, Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini als Papst Pius der Zweite und sein Zeitalter. 3 vols, pp.1856-63

G. Lucca,

H. and R. , Biblioteca Apostolic Vaticana / Chisianus J.VII, p.251

, They are a fierce race of men, excelling in nobility, courage and strength 1 . We shall now explain who they are and where they come from as you may not all be aware of it. Thus all will know the importance of what you have done now, distinguished ambassadors of Our beloved son

, This area was once occupied by the Veneti 3 from whom derives the name of the noble city Venetensis. 4 Once it was so powerful that it attempted to prevent and interrupt Julius Caesar's 5 expedition to Britannia 6 -in vain, however, for in the end it was defeated by Caesar's fleet and army. From this people, Strabo believes, 7 descend our own Venetians, powerful both on land and at sea, who now live in the bay of the Adriatic Sea, The Britons are a people of Gaul, situated at the Ocean between Gascony and Normandy, vol.10

I. I. Francois and . Bretagne, Duke of Bretagne from 1458 to his death, pp.1433-1488

, Veneti: a seafaring Celtic people who lived in the Brittany peninsula (France)

J. Caesar, Gaius (100-44 BCE): Roman general and statesman

, Strabo (ca. 64 -c. 24): Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian

, The Insubres or Insubri: a Gaulish population settled in Insubria, in what is now Lombardy. They were the founders of Milan. Though of Celtic origin, they were most likely the result of the fusion of pre-existing Ligurian, Celtic, Etruscan, and "Italic

, The Cenomani: a Celtic people, whose territory corresponded generally to Maine 10 The Boii: a Gallic tribe

, Cisalpine Gaul (Gallia Cisalpina): the part of Northern Italy inhabited by Celts (Gauls) during the 4th and 3rd centuries BC

, Eneti or Heneti or Enete: the name of an ancient region close to Paphlagonia mentioned by Strabo whose original inhabitants had disappeared by his time 13 Antenor: (Greek myth.) counselor to King Priam of Troy in the legendary accounts of the Trojan War Oration "Exposcebat haud dubie" of Pope Pius II, 1459.

K. Enea and S. Piccolomini,

A. Sylvius and P. ,

A. Silvius and P. ,

, Pope Pius II; Papa Pio II; Renaissance orations; Renaissance oratory

, Holy Roman Empire; 15th century; 1459; Crusades against the Turks; Congress of Mantua

K. Friedrich and I. ,

, Bishop Johann von Eich

. Joachimsohn, , pp.166-167

. Koller, , pp.160-161

I. I. Pastor, , pp.63-67

. Picotti, , pp.287-295

I. I. Setton, , p.213

. Toews, , pp.292-304

I. V. Voigt, , pp.93-101

. Koller, , p.160

J. Iii-von-eich, Prince-bishop of Eichstätt from 1446 to his death. Friend of Pius from their days in the chanceries of the emperor and his brother, respectively 4 Pastor, p.64

, Manuscript Nürnberg / Stadtbibliothek / Cent V, App. 15, ff. 259r-260v. See Appendix

. Joachimsohn, , p.166

, According to the pope, four reasons made the Turkish war a special obligation for the Empire: ? As the Turks are already planning further military conquests in Europe and the Empire is actually a frontline state (after Hungary), it will be quite necessary for Germany to go to war -the sooner the better ? The authority and the dignity of the Empire as the foremost protector and champion of Christianity demand that it should take up arms to protect the Church ? The Empire has ample means to attack and vanquish the Turks ? The examples of the forefathers, and former emperors

, The oration is included in a Collection of Pius II's Responses (1460), 2 largely consisting of responses to addresses by ambassadors

/. Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana 544, ff, pp.181-182

?. Roma, /. Vaticano, and *. Arm,

/. Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Barb. lat. 1499, ff, pp.80-83

. Barb, , pp.102-105

.. J. Chis and . Vii, , vol.251, pp.179-181

. Annales and . Card, , pp.1659-1663

P. Joachimsohn and . Heimburg, Historische Abhandlungen aus dem Münchener Seminar; 1), p.1891

H. Koller, , 2005.

G. Mansi, Ad concilia Veneto-Labbeana Supplementum. Sanctorum conciliorum et decretorum collectio nova: seu collectionis conciliorum Supplementum. 6 vols. Luca: ex typographia Josephi salani, & Vincentii Junctinii, pp.1748-1752

G. Mansi and . Domenico, Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. Tom. XXX. Venezia, 1792

G. Picotti and . Battista, La dieta di Mantova a la politica de' Veneziani, p.1912

I. I. Pius, Commentarii rerum memorabilium quae suis temporibus contigerunt, 1464.

I. I. Pius, Commentarii rervm memorabilivm que svis temporibus contigervnt, A van Heck. 2 vols. Città del Vaticano, pp.312-313, 1984.

, ? Pius II: Commentaries. Ed. M. Meserve and M. Simonetta. Vols. 1 ff, 2003.

I. Pius and . Orationes,

I. I. Pius, Orationes politicae et ecclesiasticae. Ed. Giovanni Domenico Mansi. 3 vols. Lucca: Benedini, pp.1755-1759

, ? Orations of Pope Pius II, Cotta-Schönberg, vol.12, 2019.

K. M. Setton, The Papacy and the Levant. Vols. 1-4. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, pp.114-161

J. B. Toews, Emperor Frederick III and his Relations with the Papacy from 1440 to 1493, 1962.

G. Voigt, Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini als Papst Pius der Zweite und sein Zeitalter. 3 vols, pp.1856-63

G. C. Zimolo, , 1964.

G. Lucca,

H. and R. , Biblioteca Apostolic Vaticana / Chisianus J.VII, p.251

J. and R. , Achivio Segreto Vaticano / Arm. XXXII, vol.1

, Est enim planum iter, et facultatem praebet ducendi copias in hostes. Per Danubium enim amnem 2 usque in superiorem et inferiorem Mysiam, quam Turci possident, milites vestros navibus transvehere potestis. Et ratione igitur imperii vestri tuendi, et ratione propinquitatis et facilitatis conveniendi cum hoste primae belli partes in Turcos ad Germanos pertinent, Vicinitas 1 , quae vobis cum Turcis est, duo facit, nam et timere nos cogit, ne superatis Hungaris, qui medii sunt inter vos et illos, res vestrae pereant

, Succedit loco secundo auctoritas et dignitas nationis, nam cum imperialis gloriae culmen apud vos sit, cujus est ecclesiam Dei protegere, fidem defendere, religionem augere, quis non intelligit ejus belli, quod pro fide tuenda suscipitur, eos duces, eos vexilliferos, eos imperatores esse debere, apud quos est insigne victricis aquilae et numquam violanda majestas?

, His conjungitur facultas belligerendi, neque enim inerme vobis imperium est aut regnum pauper

, Et ubinam gentium nobiliores aut potentiores familiae quam in Germania? Ubi splendidiores, ditiores, munitiores urbes? Ubi ferocior populus, ubi juventus belli cupidior, ubi robustiores milites, ubi duces prudentiores? Semper armata Germania est, semper indomita, semper victrix, aptissima profecto, Longe lateque patet Theutonica natio, dives agris, armis, equis, viris, et inexhaustis {180v} argenti metallis opulenta

H. Pepin, F. Otto, and K. Who, with victorious armies, overran not only Germany, Gaul, and Spain, but also Hungary, Grecce and Asia. 1 Even if the others were not there, one man should be enough to inspire and move you: the victorious and triumphant Charles 2 who acquired the surname, The last argument, too, is very convincing: the examples of the forefather who did splendid deeds for the name of Christ

, But the French kings descend from Charles, whereas you sired him. So, this one

, You do not lack strong and well-armed armies. The imperial dignity vested in you requires it. And the immense deeds of your forefathers urge you to do it. So, dare it now, and put into action what you have so often considered and discussed. 3 Your greatest trait is your ability and your best trait your willingness to protect the Christian Commonwealth in God's and your own honour

. Charlemagne, King of the Franks from 768, King of Italy from 774, p.800

, Especially at a series of imperial diets in 1454 and 1455 where Pius himself, as the imperial top diplomat Bishop Enea Silvio Piccolomini

F. Habsburg, Duke of Austria (as Friedrich V) from 1424. Elected King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor in 1440, pp.1415-1493

, An allusion to the "memento homo qui pulvis es, Genesis, vol.3, p.19

A. , Saint 4 The oration ends somewhat abruptly. The end may be missing Appendix: Oration "Missi a divo, Bishop of Hippo. Theologian. Doctor of the Church, pp.354-430, 1459.

, Normalized orthography and punctuation. For orthographical profile of the ms., see Collected orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Pope Pius II, vol.11

. Literature:-joachimsohn, , pp.166-167