, Abbreviations°C : celsius degree; °d: degree days; Ac: amacrine cells; ANOVA: analysis of variance; A: anterior; AP: animal pole; Art: artery; At: atrium; Avv: atrioventricular valve; Ba: bulbus arteriosus; Bas: basihyal; Bb: brush border

, Bl: blastoderm; C: cartilage; Cb: ceratobranchial arch; CC1 and CC2: cell cleavage steps 1 or 2; Cm: choroïdal melanocytes; Cv: caudal vein; D: dorsal; Dien: diencephalon; Dpf: days post fertilization; DV: dorso-ventral axis; E: eyes; EDF: extended depth of focus

, Exp: exocrine part of the pancreas; FE: free embryos; Ff: finfold; For: Forebrain; G1 and G2: gastrulation steps 1 or 2; Gb: gall bladder; Gc: Ganglion Cells; Gm: gray matter; H: heart; Hind: hindbrain; Hyo: hyosymplatic

, Int: intestine; Ip: inner plexiform; hpf: hours post fertilization; L: lens; Ld: lipid droplet

, Mes: mesencephalon; Mid: midbrain; Ml: muscle layer; Mob: medulla oblongata; Mye: myelencephalon; Myo: myotomes; NHE: newly hatched embryos

, Ob: olfactory bulb; Oc: otic capsule; Ole: olfactory epithelium; Olp: olfactory pits; Onl: outer nuclear layer; Opc: optic nerve chiasma; Opn: optic nerve; Ote: optic tectum; P: posterior; Pa: pancreas; Pal: palaquadrate; Par: parachordal; Pf: pectoral fins; Prd: pronephric ducts; R: rectum; Rsc: rostral semicircular canal; Sb: swim bladder

, Sto: stomach; Tel: telencephalon; Ub: urinary bladder; UE: unhatched embryos

, 7 and 8; Va: depending on the context valve in the Fig. 9 or ileorectal valve in the Fig. 11; Vc: visual cells; VP: vegetative pole; Wm: white matter; Y: yolk; YSL: yolk syncitial layer, V: depending on the context ventral il the Fig. 3 or ventricle in the Figs. 5

, Ga5: cell migration slowing down; Ga6: bud stage; Ga7: A/P axis; Ga8: tail bud closure; Gf1: optic capsule; Gf2: Kupffer's vesicle; Gf3: translocation; Gf4: otic vesicle; Gf5: body contraction; Gf6: squamous epithelium; Gf7: tail free; Gf8: otoliths apparition

, Gf20: first oral feeding; C1: heart visible; C2: first heart beating; C3: circulation on the yolk; C4: vitelline vessel formation; C5: cardiac cavity enlarging; C6: erythrocytes circulation; C7: ventral circulation; C8: circulation toward gills; C9: circulation toward somite; M1: notochord formation; M2: somitic muscles; M3: notochord vacuolated; M4: pectoral bud; M5: cartilage apparent; M6: last pharyngeal cartilages

, N4: diencephalon; N5: mesencephalon; N6: metencephalon; N7: optic chiasm

, N8: optic nerve, vol.1

, D8: swim bladder; D9: peristaltic undulations; D10: jaw movements; V1: optic vesicle; V2: lens; V3: marginal zone; V4: outer nuclear layer; V5: ganglion cell; V6: inner plexiform, vol.7

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