|. Review, |. Repository, |. Doi-10shifman, . Aaron, |. Rescience et al., Keywords: neuroscience, Python, replication Dec 9, 2016 | Review | Repository | DOI 10.5281/zenodo How Attention Can Create Synaptic Tags for the Learning of Working Memories in Sequential Tasks -Erwan Le Masson & Frédéric Alexandre, ReScience Keywords: neuroscience, deep learning, associative cortex5281/zenodo.161526 [Re] Cellular and network mechanisms of slow oscillatory activity (<1 Hz) and wave propagations in a cortical network model -Andrei Maksimov, Sacha J. van Albada and Markus Diesmann, ReScience Keywords: Python, Neuroscience, NEST, Network Modeling, Up-Down Oscillations, Cortex, Membrane Resistance Measurement | Review | Repository | DOI 10.5281/zenodo.159545 [Re] Robust timing and motor patterns by taming chaos in recurrent neural networks -Julien Vitay, ReScience Keywords: Python, Recurrent neural networks, Reservoir computing, Dynamical systems, Learning Chaos | Review | Repository | DOI 10.5281/zenodo.61697 [Re] Multiple dynamical modes of thalamic relay neurons: rhythmic bursting and intermittent phaselocking -Georgios Detorakis, ReScience Keywords: Neuroscience, Python, Conductance-based model, Thalamic relay neurons, Intermittent phase-locking, Spindle oscillation, Delta oscillation | Review | Repository | DOI 10.5281/zenodo.50213 [Re] Chaos in a long-term experiment with a plankton community -Owen Petchey Keywords: Ecology, Least-cost path, Delaunay triangulation, Graph Theory Feb 10 Keywords: neuroscience, decision making Keywords: neuroscience, basal ganglia, | Review | Repository | DOI 10.5281/zenodo.47146 [Re] Least-cost modelling on irregular landscape graphs -Joseph Stachelek, ReScienceRe] Interaction between cognitive and motor cortico-basal ganglia loops during decision making: a computational study -Meropi Topalidou & Nicolas P. Rougier, ReScience, p.25414527944, 2015.