, individual issues (paying attention to one's health, fighting against drinking and driving), regardless of any economic, cultural or social considerations (condition of vehicles, place given to preventive health care, etc.) that favour or facilitate these individual behaviours, vol.161, 2008.

, Conclusion The construction of RTT's donation as a public issue has benefited from promotional actions and relays from multiple actors: beneficiaries, donor employees, political representatives, journalists, 2009.

, Indeed, the media frameworks reduce, over the years, the place given to discussions on the political and philosophical stakes of these actions in favour of the promotion of their individual and psychological dimensions

, Singularly, and contrary to the order of stages described by Blumer, the phase of political reactions has largely preceded the phase of broad publicization and legitimization of this issue. This observation obliges -in this case -on the one hand to relativize (or to specify) the importance of a notion such as agenda setting, since -in this case -the media agenda followed the political agenda, 2010.

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