L. Egghe, Mathematical theory of the h??? and g???index in case of fractional counting of authorship, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol.67, issue.1, pp.1608-1616, 2008.
DOI : 10.1002/asi.20845

A. W. Harzing, Publish or perish, 2010.

J. E. Hirsch, An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pp.16569-16572, 2005.
DOI : 10.1073/pnas.0507655102

M. Schreiber, for multi-authored manuscripts, New Journal of Physics, vol.10, issue.4, p.40201, 2008.
DOI : 10.1088/1367-2630/10/4/040201

I. Antkare, Analysis of reinforcement learning, Proceedings of the Conference on Real-Time Communication, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analysis of the Internet, Journal of Bayesian, vol.258, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analyzing interrupts and information retrieval systems using begohm, Proceedings of FOCS, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analyzing massive multiplayer online role-playing games using highly-available models, Proceedings of the Workshop on Cacheable Epistemologies, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analyzing scatter/gather I/O and Boolean logic with SillyLeap, Proceedings of the Symposium on Large-Scale, 2009.

I. Antkare, Architecting E-Business Using Psychoacoustic Modalities, 2009.

I. Antkare, Bayesian, pseudorandom algorithms, Proceedings of ASPLOS, 2009.

I. Antkare, BritishLanthorn: Ubiquitous, homogeneous, cooperative symmetries, Proceedings of MICRO, 2009.

I. Antkare, A case for cache coherence, Journal of Scalable Epistemologies, vol.51, pp.41-56, 2009.

I. Antkare, A case for cache coherence, Proceedings of NSDI, 2009.

I. Antkare, A case for lambda calculus, 2009.

I. Antkare, Comparing von Neumann machines and cache coherence, IIT, 2009.

C. Ike, Antkare's publications [10] Ike Antkare Analysis of reinforcement learning, Proceedings of the Conference on Real-Time Communication, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analysis of the Internet, Journal of Bayesian, vol.258, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analyzing interrupts and information retrieval systems using begohm, Proceedings of FOCS, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analyzing massive multiplayer online role-playing games using highlyavailable models, Proceedings of the Workshop on Cacheable Epistemologies, 2009.

I. Antkare, Analyzing scatter/gather I/O and Boolean logic with SillyLeap, Proceedings of the Symposium on Large-Scale, 2009.

I. Antkare, Architecting E-Business Using Psychoacoustic Modalities, 2009.

I. Antkare, Bayesian, pseudorandom algorithms, Proceedings of ASPLOS, 2009.

I. Antkare, BritishLanthorn: Ubiquitous, homogeneous, cooperative symmetries, Proceedings of MICRO, 2009.

I. Antkare, A case for cache coherence, Journal of Scalable Epistemologies, vol.51, pp.41-56, 2009.

I. Antkare, A case for cache coherence, Proceedings of NSDI, 2009.

I. Antkare, A case for lambda calculus, 2009.

I. Antkare, Comparing von Neumann machines and cache coherence, IIT, 2009.

I. Antkare, Constructing 802.11 mesh networks using knowledge-base communication, Proceedings of the Workshop on Real-Time Communication, 2009.

I. Antkare, Constructing digital-to-analog converters and lambda calculus using Die, Proceedings of OOPSLA, 2009.

I. Antkare, Constructing web browsers and the producer-consumer problem using Carob, Proceedings of the USENIX Security Conference, 2009.

I. Antkare, A construction of write-back caches with Nave, 2009.

I. Antkare, Contrasting Moore's Law and gigabit switches using Beg, Journal of Heterogeneous, Heterogeneous Theory, vol.36, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, Contrasting public-private key pairs and Smalltalk using Snuff, Proceedings of FPCA, 2009.

I. Antkare, Contrasting reinforcement learning and gigabit switches, Journal of Bayesian Symmetries, vol.4, pp.73-95, 2009.

I. Antkare, Controlling Boolean logic and DHCP, Journal of Probabilistic, vol.75, pp.152-196, 2009.

I. Antkare, Controlling telephony using unstable algorithms, IBM Research, 2009.

I. Antkare, Deconstructing Byzantine fault tolerance with MOE, Proceedings of the Conference on Signed, Electronic Algorithms, 2009.

I. Antkare, Deconstructing checksums with rip, Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge-Base, Random Communication, 2009.

I. Antkare, Deconstructing RAID using Shern, Proceedings of the Conference on Scalable, Embedded Configurations, 2009.

I. Antkare, Deconstructing systems using NyeInsurer, Proceedings of FOCS, 2009.

I. Antkare, Decoupling context-free grammar from gigabit switches in Boolean logic, Proceedings of WMSCI, 2009.

I. Antkare, Decoupling digital-to-analog converters from interrupts in hash tables, Journal of Homogeneous, vol.90, pp.77-96, 2009.

I. Antkare, Decoupling e-business from virtual machines in public-private key pairs, Proceedings of FPCA, 2009.

I. Antkare, Decoupling extreme programming from Moore's Law in the World Wide Web, Journal of Psychoacoustic Symmetries, vol.3, pp.1-12, 2009.

I. Antkare, Decoupling object-oriented languages from web browsers in congestion control, 2009.

I. Antkare, Decoupling the Ethernet from hash tables in consistent hashing, Proceedings of the Conference on Lossless, Robust Archetypes, 2009.

I. Antkare, Decoupling the memory bus from spreadsheets in 802, 11 mesh networks. OSR, pp.44-56, 2009.

I. Antkare, Developing the location-identity split using scalable modalities, TOCS, vol.52, pp.44-55, 2009.

I. Antkare, The effect of heterogeneous technology on e-voting technology, Proceedings of the Conference on Peer-to-Peer, Secure Information, 2009.

I. Antkare, The effect of virtual configurations on complexity theory, Proceedings of FPCA, 2009.

I. Antkare, Emulating active networks and multicast heuristics using ScrankyHypo, Journal of Empathic Compact Epistemologies, vol.35, pp.154-196, 2009.

I. Antkare, Emulating the Turing machine and flip-flop gates with Amma, Proceedings of PODS, 2009.

I. Antkare, Enabling linked lists and gigabit switches using Improver, Journal of Virtual Introspective Symmetries, vol.0, pp.158-197, 2009.

I. Antkare, Evaluating evolutionary programming and the lookaside buffer, Proceedings of PLDI, 2009.

I. Antkare, An evaluation of checksums using UreaTic, Proceedings of FPCA, 2009.

I. Antkare, An exploration of wide-area networks, Journal of Wireless Models, vol.17, pp.1-12, 2009.

I. Antkare, Flip-flop gates considered harmful, TOCS, vol.39, pp.73-87, 2009.

I. Antkare, GUFFER: Visualization of DNS, Proceedings of ASPLOS, 2009.

I. Antkare, Harnessing symmetric encryption and checksums, Classical, Bayesian Symmetries, pp.1-15, 2009.

I. Antkare, Heal: A methodology for the study of RAID, Journal of Pseudorandom Modalities, vol.33, pp.87-108, 2009.

I. Antkare, Homogeneous, modular communication for evolutionary programming, Journal of Omniscient Technology, vol.71, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, The impact of empathic archetypes on e-voting technology, Proceedings of SIGMETRICS, 2009.

I. Antkare, The impact of wearable methodologies on cyberinformatics, Journal of Introspective Flexible Symmetries, vol.68, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, An improvement of kernels using MOPSY, Proceedings of SIGCOMM, 2009.

I. Antkare, Improvement of red-black trees, Proceedings of ASPLOS, 2009.

I. Antkare, The influence of authenticated archetypes on stable software engineering, Proceedings of OOPSLA, 2009.

I. Antkare, The influence of authenticated theory on software engineering, Journal of Scalable Interactive Modalities, vol.92, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, The influence of compact epistemologies on cyberinformatics, Journal of Permutable Information, vol.29, pp.53-64, 2009.

I. Antkare, The influence of pervasive archetypes on electrical engineering, Journal of Scalable Theory, vol.5, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, The influence of symbiotic archetypes on oportunistically mutually exclusive hardware and architecture, Proceedings of the Workshop on Game-Theoretic Epistemologies, 2009.

I. Antkare, Investigating consistent hashing using electronic symmetries, IEEE JSAC, vol.91, pp.153-195, 2009.

I. Antkare, An investigation of expert systems with Japer, Proceedings of the Workshop on Modular, 2009.

I. Antkare, Investigation of wide-area networks, Journal of Autonomous Archetypes, vol.6, pp.74-93, 2009.

I. Antkare, IPv4 considered harmful, Proceedings of the Conference on Low- Energy, Metamorphic Archetypes, 2009.

I. Antkare, Kernels considered harmful, Journal of Mobile, Electronic Epistemologies, vol.22, pp.73-84, 2009.

I. Antkare, Lamport clocks considered harmful, Journal of Omniscient, Embedded Technology, vol.61, pp.75-92, 2009.

I. Antkare, The location-identity split considered harmful, Journal of Extensible, vol.432, pp.89-100, 2009.

I. Antkare, Low-energy, relational configurations, Proceedings of the Symposium on Multimodal, Distributed Algorithms, 2009.

I. Antkare, LoyalCete: Typical unification of I/O automata and the Internet, Proceedings of the Workshop on Metamorphic, Large-Scale Communication, 2009.

I. Antkare, Maw: A methodology for the development of checksums, Proceedings of PODS, 2009.

I. Antkare, A methodology for the deployment of consistent hashing, Journal of Bayesian, vol.8, pp.75-94, 2009.

I. Antkare, A methodology for the deployment of the World Wide Web, Journal of Linear-Time, Distributed Information, vol.491, pp.1-10, 2009.

I. Antkare, A methodology for the evaluation of a* search, Proceedings of HPCA, 2009.

I. Antkare, A methodology for the study of context-free grammar, Proceedings of MICRO, 2009.

I. Antkare, A methodology for the synthesis of object-oriented languages, Proceedings of the USENIX Security Conference, 2009.

I. Antkare, Multicast frameworks no longer considered harmful, Architecting E-Business Using Psychoacoustic Modalities, 2009.

I. Antkare, Multimodal methodologies, Journal of Trainable, Robust Models, vol.9, pp.158-195, 2009.

I. Antkare, Natural unification of suffix trees and IPv7, Proceedings of ECOOP, 2009.

I. Antkare, Omniscient models for e-business, Proceedings of the USENIX Security Conference, 2009.

I. Antkare, On the study of reinforcement learning, Proceedings of the Conference on " Smart, 2009.

I. Antkare, On the visualization of context-free grammar, Proceedings of ASPLOS, 2009.

I. Antkare, OsmicMoneron: Heterogeneous, event-driven algorithms, Proceedings of HPCA, 2009.

I. Antkare, Permutable, empathic archetypes for RPCs, Journal of Virtual, Lossless Technology, vol.84, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, Pervasive, efficient methodologies, Proceedings of SIGCOMM, 2009.

I. Antkare, Probabilistic communication for 802.11b, NTT Techincal Review, vol.75, pp.83-102, 2009.

I. Antkare, QUOD: A methodology for the synthesis of cache coherence Journal of Read-Write, Virtual Methodologies, pp.1-17, 2009.

I. Antkare, Read-write, probabilistic communication for scatter/gather I/O, Journal of Interposable Communication, vol.82, pp.75-88, 2009.

I. Antkare, Refining DNS and superpages with Fiesta, Journal of Automated Reasoning, vol.60, pp.50-61, 2009.

I. Antkare, Refining Markov models and RPCs, Proceedings of ECOOP, 2009.

I. Antkare, The relationship between wide-area networks and the memory bus, OSR, vol.61, pp.49-59, 2009.

I. Antkare, SheldEtch: Study of digital-to-analog converters, Proceedings of NDSS, 2009.

I. Antkare, A simulation of 16 bit architectures using OdylicYom, Journal of Secure Modalities, vol.4, pp.20-24, 2009.

I. Antkare, Simulation of evolutionary programming, Journal of Wearable, Authenticated Methodologies, vol.4, pp.70-96, 2009.

I. Antkare, Smalltalk considered harmful, Proceedings of the Conference on Permutable Theory, 2009.

I. Antkare, Symbiotic communication, TOCS, vol.284, pp.74-93, 2009.

I. Antkare, Synthesizing context-free grammar using probabilistic epistemologies, Proceedings of the Symposium on Unstable, Large-Scale Communication, 2009.

I. Antkare, Towards the emulation of RAID, Proceedings of the WWW Conference, 2009.

I. Antkare, Towards the exploration of red-black trees, Proceedings of PLDI, 2009.

I. Antkare, Towards the improvement of 32 bit architectures, Proceedings of NSDI, 2009.

I. Antkare, Towards the natural unification of neural networks and gigabit switches, Journal of Classical, Classical Information, vol.29, pp.77-85, 2009.

I. Antkare, Towards the synthesis of information retrieval systems, Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Communication, 2009.

I. Antkare, Towards the understanding of superblocks, Journal of Concurrent Highly-Available Technology, vol.83, pp.53-68, 2009.

I. Antkare, Understanding of hierarchical databases, Proceedings of the Workshop on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2009.

I. Antkare, An understanding of replication, Proceedings of the Symposium on Stochastic, Collaborative Communication, 2009.