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. Proof, Consider the relation R = {(A, 0)}. We will show that it fulfills the conditions of strong labeled bisimilarity

. Proof, A. As, |. .. |c-m, B. , and |. , |B l |C 1 | . . . |C m . These are prime factorizations, and by Theorem 4 they are unique. As A|C ? l B|C, they have to be identical. Hence k + m = l + m, thus k = l. We will show that this implies that the factorizations of A and B have to be identical (up to ? l ), which implies A ? l B. Consider the following cases: If k = 0, A ? l 0. As l = k = 0, B ? l 0, and A and B have the same prime factorization. If k > 0, we have A ? l A 1 | . . . |A k . Let count(A i , P ) denote the number of prime factors P r of P with P r ? l A i . Suppose that there exists a prime factor A i with count(A i , A) = count(A i, and count(A i , A|C) = count(A i , A) + count(A i , C) = count(A i , B) + count(A i , C) = count(A i , B|C), which contradicts the fact that A|C and B|C have the same prime factorization