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A. Biographies and F. Amblard, Toulouse 1 Capitole and associated researcher at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT, UMR CNRS 5505) in the SMAC (Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems) team. He holds M.S. degree from the His works concern mostly agent-based social simulation of influence dynamics, opinion dynamics and social networks His email address is frederic

A. Bouadjio-boulic, is a PhD student at University Toulouse 1 Capitole in the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT, UMR CNRS 5505) in the SMAC (Cooperative Multi- Agent Systems) team. His e-mail address is audren

C. Sureda and . Gutierrez, PhD student at University Toulouse 1 Capitole in the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT, UMR CNRS 5505) in the SMAC (Cooperative Multi- Agent Systems) team. His e-mail address is csureda@irit