B. The and . Party, Adsav (Uprising), a right-wing nationalist party. 29 The 'identitarian' current developed after 2000 following the Ministry of the Interior's dissolution of the Radical Unity party. 30 NPA 29, Manifestation Du 2 Novembre À Quimper, 2013.

M. L. Lay, . Breton, J. Fier-de-l-'être:-samedi, and . Carhaix, http://blogs.mediapart.fr/blog/pyb29/031113/breton-et-fier-de-l-etre-samedi-j-etais-carhaix-par-yves-marie-le-lay; Camille Front de Gauche et Écolos, Vous Avez Insulté Les Bretons, Faudra Pas Venir Pleurer, 2013.

J. Baguenard, L'automne des bonnets rouges, 2013.

J. Cabaret, . Ecotaxe, and F. Solidaires, http://www.cgt.fr/Le-combat-des-bonnets-rouges-n-est.html; Éric Dupin Les Bonnets Rouges, Une Révolte Postmodernebonnets-rouges-revolte-postmoderne; Alain Reboursune-analyse-remarquable-sur-le-mouvement-des-bonnets-rouges, Ouest France Entreprises Les « Bonnets Rouges Les Bonnets 39 ESB, La Borderie, and Porchnev, Les Bonnets rouges, 278. 40 Ibid., 279. 41 Ibid. 42 Ernest Renan, Qu'est-Ce Qu'une Nation ? (1882; repr. 41. 43 Expression used by the rebels at the Article 4 of the Peasant Code. ESB, La Borderie, and Porchnev, Les Bonnets Rouges, p.92, 1993.

C. Péridy, Sang bleu et bonnets rouges : le meurtre du marquis de Montgaillard (Spézet: Keltia Graphic, 2007.

L. Figaro, Les Bonnets Rouges Écrivent À Hollande Le Figaro, 2013.

A. Croix, . La-révolte-des-bonnets-rouges, L. De, and . Mémoire, 47 Eva Guillorel, La complainte et la plainte: chanson, justice, cultures en Bretagne XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, 479. 49 Benoît Kermoal " Les Bonnets Rouges, pp.2-11, 1900.

A. Croix, La Révolte Des Bonnets Rouges. De L'histoire À La Mémoire, pp.2-11, 2002.

A. D. Smith, The Ethnic Revival (Cambridge, 1981.

. 52-croix,-"-la-révolte-des-bonnets-rouges, 10. 53 Numéro Spécial Sur Les Révoltes Bretonnes De 1675 Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l Les Bonnets rouges, Les révoltes bretonnes de 1675: papier timbré et bonnets rouges, 1975.

J. Cornette, H. De, L. Bretagne, and D. Bretons, Postface 61 From 1972 to 2002 the newsletter of the Carhaix section of the Communist Party was called 'Le Bonnet Rouge'. Furthermore, in 1975, the PCF organised a large festival to celebrate the 300 th anniversary of the revolt, and every year until, 619. 56 Yves Le Gallo Histoire Littéraire et Culturelle de La Bretagne 62 Le Coadic, L'identité Bretonne, pp.395-101, 1987.

M. Bernard, Invité de 7h50, 64 Le Coadic, L'identité Bretonne, pp.101-127, 2013.

Y. Paccalet, http://leplus.nouvelobs.com/contribution/968797-bonnets-rouges-quand-le- symbole-de-paix-du-commandant-cousteau-devient-un-signal-de-haine.html. 66 Jean-Christophe Cassard Les Premiers Immigrés, Les Bretons Bretonnants D'après Quelques Textes et Récits de Voyage " (XIVe-XVe Siècles), pp.85-94, 1984.

L. 67-didier-porte-bruno-roger-petit-de and . Bretagne, a section of Bretons rebelled against it Other Breton regions remained loyal to the Revolution Outside of Brittany, Chouanneries spread to Maine, Normandy, and to the north of the Anjou region. South of the Loire, the rebellion spread into the Vendée and the Poitou http://leplus.nouvelobs.com/contribution/965119-les-bonnets-rouges-un-mouvement-reac-entre-manif- pour-tous-et-dieudonne.html. 70 Honoré de Balzac, Les Chouans (1829; repr., Paris: Gallimard, 1972), 39. 71 Victor Hugo, Quatrevingt-treize (1874; repr., Paris: Gallimard, 1979), 251. 72 Christian Delarue BZH : Le Nationalisme Dominé Est Aussi Une Peste 76 AFP Mélenchon: 'À Quimper, Les Esclaves Manifesteront Pour Les Droits de Leurs Maîtres 77 Françoise Morvan and Christian Delarue, among others. 78 Françoise Morvan Bonnets Rouges : Des Dérives Autonomistes Derrière Les Revendications Sociales am), comment on " Bonnets rouges : des dérives autonomistes derrière les revendications sociales seriously, " the Bonnets Rouges [would be] directed by the far right The Bonnets Rouges are populist, demagogic, nationalist, anti-European, anti-cosmopolitan: in brief, they are from the extreme right either they knowingly serve it, or they are manipulated by it 81 The movement would have showed an " unashamed racism " : the proof of this was a photo of three Bonnets Rouges imitating the salute given by Dieudonné, an anti- Semitic French comedian, Ils Ont Des Bonnets Rouges Mélenchon: 'À Quimper, Les Esclaves Manifesteront Pour Les Droits de Leurs Maîtres Libération, November 2, 2013. 75 Bertho This photo of three unknown individuals was taken to demonstrate by itself, according to the journalist Bruno Roger-Petit, that the whole of the Bonnets Rouges movement was based in the far right, pp.23-82, 2013.

. Paccalet, Leplus.nouvelobs.com, 2013.

. Roger-petit, Les 'Bonnets Rouges' : Un Mouvement Réac, Entre Manif Pour Tous et Dieudonné, p.83

P. Marlière, http://blogs.mediapart.fr/blog/philippe-marliere/071113/il-y-du-rouge-sur-les-bonnets-rouges. 2013. 86 Ouest-France, " Bonnets Rouges. Onze Revendications Phares Pour La Bretagne Une Chance Pour La France, p.88, 2013.

L. Figaro, Troadec : «La Bretagne Est En Situation Pré-Insurrectionnelle» Figaro Tv, 2013.

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P. Taguieff, Vous Avez Dit 'communautarisme' ? Le Figaro 91 Beck, Pouvoir et Contre-Pouvoir À L'ère de La Mondialisation, 100?105. 92 AFP, 2003.

C. Doucet, Bonnets rouges : des dérives autonomistes derrière les revendications sociales http://www.lemonde.fr/idees/reactionsbretagne-des- derives-autonomistes-derriere-les-revendications-sociales_3513215_3232_2, html. 94 Jakez Gaucher, pp.22-95, 1900.

. Morvan, as was the case for many intellectuals during those difficult years While at college, he identified with Action française (the French royalist movement), but he moved towards Breton nationalist ideas, picking up some Proudhonian libertarian ideas and the ideal of federalism. In the 1930s, he left the Breton nationalist movement and moved to Laval, where he joined the Radical-Socialist Party (a mildly left-of-centre movement), and a masonic lodge linked to the Grand Orient of France, p.99

L. Henry, Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement breton, XX-XXI e siècles (Fouesnant: Yoran embanner, p.318, 2013.

L. Couédic and L. Architectes-et-l-'idée-bretonne, 1904-1945 d'un renouveau des arts à la renaissance d'une identité(Rennes Saint-Brieuc: Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Bretagne Archives modernes d'architecture de Bretagne Drapeau de la Bretagne, 886. 102 Wikipédia Résistance et Conscience Bretonne): L'hermine Contre La Croix Gammée, 1940.

B. 104-frélaut, Les Nationalistes bretons de 1939 à 1945, Brasparts: les Bibliophiles de Bretagne, 1985.

. Kervella, M. Divi, and . Bodlore-penlaez, Guide des drapeaux bretons et celtes. Fouenant: Yoran Embanner, pp.71-72, 2008.

L. Coadic and . Ronan, L'identité Bretonne. Rennes: Presses, pp.355-356, 1998.

. Cf and . Ina, Accessed March 23, 1968.

C. Français, But what of the stigmatisation of the minority? I suggest that this is an example of 'banal nationalism Michael Billig introduced this concept in 1995, when he wanted to stop the assimilation of all nationalism with those movements " who struggle to create new states or with extreme right-wing politics 115 Billig wanted also " to cover the ideological habits which enable the established nations of the West to be reproduced 116 One of the characteristic expressions of banal nationalism is precisely the ethnic stereotype Stereotypes are often means of distinguishing 'them' from 'us,' thereby contributing to 'our' claims of a unique identity. [?] 'We' often assume 'ourselves' as the standard, or the unmarked normality, against with 'their' deviations appear notable 117 In Billig's observations, 'they' of course means foreigners, but?as one knows?not all foreigners are outside the nation. For the banal nationalism of France, which stays dark and black in the middle of a fine fire, p.118, 2015.

J. Ayrault, He also announced a far-reaching reform of French taxation, and postponed the introduction of the ecotax until The " Pact for the Future " was denounced by the Bonnets Rouges as a 'smokescreen', largely composed of re-assigning previously-identified funding and of existing measures 119 ; the project to reform French taxation was halted by Ayrault's successor; and, as for the ecotax: the new Ecology Minister announced its suspension on 9 The Bonnets Rouges had won the battle concerning the new tax. Their other demands, however, were not met and the movement lost momentum. The original coalition which had made up the Bonnets Rouges soon fell apart. The FO trade union confederation withdrew on 15, Epilogue In response to the massive mobilisations of the Bonnets rouges, the then-Prime Minister order to make it clear that it had not accepted " regionalism. " 120 After the demonstration at Carhaix, the movement was not able to organize any vast protests. However, it did create local committees across Brittany: the majority of them were in the western, Breton-speaking part of the peninsula. Their activities rapidly became much reduced in scale, 2013.

M. Billig and B. Nationalism, London Thousand Oaks (Calif.) New Delhi: Sage, pp.39-40, 1995.

L. Figaro, Aide À La Bretagne : Les Bonnets Rouges Dénoncent Un 'enfumage Le Figaro, 2013.

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