, O(x, y) is an admissible test function in the sense of Definition 5.1, i.e., satisfies (5.1) limla-o h(x,)dx=Ia IY Ib(x,y)ldxdy

, Before proving Lemma 5.5, let us remark that any function satisfying (i)-(iii) obviously belongs to

, The converse is more subtle. Indeed, since b(x, y) is an element of C[; L(Y)], for each x eft, its value y-q(x, y) is a class of functions in L( Y)" picking up a representative for each x and collecting them gives a "representative

, LEMMA 5.6. Let d/(x,y) be a function in C[f

. Then, there exists a "representative" of (x, y)for which properties (i)-(iii) in Lemma 5.5 hold

, By definition, for any value of x eft, the function y-O(x, y) is measurable on Y, Y-periodic, and there exists a subset E(x) of measure zero in Y such that 0(x,y) is bounded on Y-E(x). The continuity of x-q(x, y) from f in L(Y) is equivalent to (5.10) lim Sup

Y. ,

, We emphasize that, a priori, the exceptional set E(x), where the function y 4(x, y) is not defined, depends on x. Nevertheless, thanks to the continuity of b(x, y) with respect to the x variable

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