function [h,Y] = up(kup,cup,bound,h,Y,THR); % up actives one constraint and modifies consequently the HCOD. %% Synopsis: % [h Y] = up(kup,cup,bound,h,Y) % [h Y] = up(kup,cup,bound,h,Y,THR) % [h Y] = up(kup,cup,"right",h,Y) % [h Y] = up(kup,cup,"left",h,Y) %% Input: % kup level where the constraint is going to be activated % cup id of the constraint of level kup to be activated % bound (among 1="left" for upper bound and 2="right" for lower bound). % Bound to be activated. % h "h" structure storing all the HQP data. % Y right basis of the HCOD. % THR epsilon threshold used to decide the rank-deficiency of a matrix. %% Output: % h,Y the function modifies the input h and Y and returns them. % % This function is described in the paper "Hierarchical quadratic % programming", in Part II, Section 3.2. % % Copyright Nicolas Mansard -- LAAS/CNRS % -- and Adrien Escande -- JRL/CNRS % -- cf. LICENSE.txt % % --- DEFAULT ARGUMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- nin = nargin; if nin==5 % Default argument for the HCOD threshold. THR=1e-8; nin=nin+1; end % --------------------------------------------------------------------- addpath('utils'); p = length(h); nh = size(Y,1); if isa(bound,'char') if strcmp(bound,'left') bound=1; elseif strcmp(bound,'right') bound=2; else print('Error with the bound arg.'); bound =1; end end % --- Current stage ------------------------------------------------------------ hk=h(kup); iw=hk.iw;; r=hk.r; n=hk.n; ra=hk.ra; rp=hk.rp; m=hk.m; % Add a new row to H and a new dimension in W. hk.iw = [iw hk.fw(1)]; iw = [iw hk.fw(1)]; hk.fw = hk.fw(2:end); = [im]; im = [im]; =; hk.H(im(end),:) = hk.A(cup,:)*Y; hk.W(iw(end),:) = 0; hk.W(:,im(end)) = 0; hk.W(iw(end),im(end)) = 1; hk.m = m+1; m = m+1;,1) = cup; hk.activeb(end+1,1) = cup + (bound==2)*hk.mmax; hk.bound(cup) = bound; % 1.a Compute the rank of the new row, Eq (II-18). % Find the first element of the tail of the row such that the norm of the % tail is higher than the threshold: rup = max{ r, norm(ML(end,r:end))>THR }. rup = nh+1-find( cumsum(flipdim( hk.H(im(end),:).^2, 2 )) > THR^2, 1 ); % 1.b modify the decomposition of level k. if rup<=ra % 1.b.TRUE (case II-3.2.2) The new row does not increase the rank of the level. if rup>rp % There is nonzero elements below L, Eq (II-19). for i=rup-rp:-1:1 Wi = givens( hk.H(im(:),rp+i),n+i,m )'; hk.H(im,:) = Wi*hk.H(im,:); hk.W(iw,im) = hk.W(iw,im)*Wi'; end % else: There is only zeros below L, Eq (II-20): nothing to do. end % Switch H row. = [im(end) im(1:end-1)]; hk.n = n+1; h(kup)=hk; clear hk; return; end % 1.b.FALSE (case II-3.2.3) The new row does increase the rank of the level. % Nullify the tail of the row: Yup = eye(nh); for i=rup-1:-1:ra+1 % The loop corresponds to Eq (II-16). Yi = givens(hk.H(im(end),:),i,i+1); hk.H(im(end),:) = hk.H(im(end),:)*Yi; Yup = Yup*Yi; end hk.r = r+1; hk.ra = ra+1; h(kup)=hk; clear hk; clear iw im r n ra rp m; % --- Propagation -------------------------------------------------------------- % If Yup exists, apply it to the above levels (sec. II-3.2.4) for k=kup+1:p massert( not(exist('hk')) ,'Error, hk should have been cleared.'); hk=h(k); iw=hk.iw;; r=hk.r; n=hk.n; ra=hk.ra; rp=hk.rp; m=hk.m; hk.H(im,:) = hk.H(im,:)*Yup; if rupra % (Case II-3.2.5): Rank lost later, L simply shifts on the right. hk.rp = rp+1; hk.ra = ra+1; else % (case II-3.2.6) Aup is colinear to one row of this level: rank lost here. rdef = rup-rp; % Row to be removed from L. for i=rdef:-1:2 % The loop corresponds to Eq (II-16). Wi = givens(hk.H(im(:),rp+i),n+i-1,n+rdef)'; hk.H(im(:),:) = Wi*hk.H(im(:),:); hk.W(iw,im) = hk.W(iw,im)*Wi'; end hk.rp = rp+1; hk.r = r-1; hk.n = n+1; = im( [ n+rdef 1:n n+1:n+rdef-1 n+rdef+1:m] ); end h(k)=hk; clear hk; clear iw im r n ra rp m; end Y=Y*Yup;