function [ Au ] = why_recompose(h,Y) % why_recompose recomposes the original stacked matrix from the HCOD % decomposition. %% Synopsis: % Au = why_recompose(h,y) %% Input: % h the "h" structure built by the HCOD function. % Y the corresponding Y basis. %% Output: % Au = W*H*Y' the matrix used to generate h. % % p=length(h); Au=[]; for k=1:p hk=h(k); iw=hk.iw;;; jm=1:hk.rp; % Indices of the columns corresponding to M and N. jl=hk.rp+1:hk.ra; % Indices of the columns corresponding to L. Au = [Au; ... hk.W(iw,im)*hk.H(im,jm)*Y(:,jm)' ... + hk.W(iw,il)*hk.H(il,jl)*Y(:,jl)' ... ]; end