function [h,Y] = down(kdown,rdown,h,Y,THR); % down deactivates one constraint and modifies consequently the HCOD. %% Synopsis: % [h Y] = down(kdown,rdown,h,Y) % [h Y] = down(kdown,rdown,h,Y,THR) %% Input: % kdown level where the constraint is going to be deactivated % rdown row number of the constraint of level kdown to be deactivated % h "h" structure storing all the HQP data. % Y right basis of the HCOD. % THR epsilon threshold used to decide the rank-deficiency of a matrix. %% Output: % h,Y the function modifies the input h and Y and returns them. % % This function is described in the paper "Hierarchical quadratic % programming", in Part II, Section 3.3. % % Copyright Nicolas Mansard -- LAAS/CNRS % -- and Adrien Escande -- JRL/CNRS % -- cf. LICENSE.txt % % --- DEFAULT ARGUMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- nin = nargin; if nin==4 % Default argument for the HCOD threshold. THR=1e-8; nin=nin+1; end % --------------------------------------------------------------------- addpath('utils'); p = length(h); nh = size(Y,2); % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 1. Remove the line from current stage (Sec II-3.3.1) hk=h(kdown); iw=hk.iw;; r=hk.r; n=hk.n; ra=hk.ra; rp=hk.rp; m=hk.m; % 1.a Set a "1" in the row of W: Eq (II-26). % W is transformed to: % W = [ W_a 0 W_b ] % | 0 1 0 | % [ W_c 0 W_d ] % Search for the first non-zero of W(row,:). pivot = find(abs(hk.W(iw(rdown),im))>THR,1,'first'); % Uses Givens rotations to nullify the tail of the row. for i=pivot+1:m if abs(abs(hk.W(iw(rdown),im(pivot)))-1)THR % 2.b.CASE (II-3.3.2)-2.2: one of the nu1..nun is nonzero % Find the first nonzero nu_i. prom = find( abs(hk.H(im(1:n),rp)),1 ); % Nullify all the nu_i from nu_prom. for i=prom+1:hk.n Wdown = givens(hk.H(im,rp),prom,i)'; hk.H(im,1:ra) = Wdown*hk.H(im,1:ra); hk.W(iw,im) = hk.W(iw,im)*Wdown'; end % Reorganize H_k. = im([1:prom-1 prom+1:n prom n+1:m]); im = im([1:prom-1 prom+1:n prom n+1:m]); hk.rp = rp-1; rp = rp-1; hk.r = r+1; r = r+1; hk.n = n-1; n = n-1; noMoreRankChange = 1; else % 2.b.CASE (II-3.3.2)-2.1: all the m_i are zero, L_k is upper hessenberg. for i=1:r R = givens(hk.H(im(n+i),:),rp-1+i,rp-1+i+1); Ydown = Ydown*R; hk.H(im,:) = hk.H(im,:)*R; end hk.rp = rp-1; rp = rp-1; hk.ra = ra-1; ra = ra-1; end h(k)=hk; clear hk; end Y=Y*Ydown;