function [ need cst h maxl ] = check_mult(lambda,h,Y,THR); % check_mult searches a lexicographic positive multiplier that does not % correspond to an equality. %% Synopsis: % [ need cst ] = check_mult(lambda,h,Y) % [ need cst maxl ] = check_mult(lambda,h,Y) % [ need cst maxl h ] = check_mult(lambda,h,Y) % %% Input: % lambda multipliers to be tested. % h "h" structure storing all the HQP data. % Y right basis of the HCOD. % THR is the threshold used to test the positivity. %% Output: % need returns "need = false" if no constraint satisfies the % lexicographic and bound-type properties. Otherwise, returns % "need = true" and the reference on the maximum. % cst if need is true, the reference to the constraint corresponding % to the maximum of the multipliers. % h If need is false, then the function has a side effect: it modifies % the "freeze" field of the "h" structure. To account for the % side effect, h is returned. % maxl the reached maximum corresponding to the cst constraint. % % Copyright Nicolas Mansard -- LAAS/CNRS % -- and Adrien Escande -- JRL/CNRS % -- cf. LICENSE.txt % % --- DEFAULT ARGUMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- if nargin<4 THR=1e-8; end % --------------------------------------------------------------------- kl=length(lambda); nh=size(Y,2); p=length(h); constants; maxl = 0; cst =[]; % --- POSITIVITY LOOP ------------------------------------------------ for k=1:kl massert( not(exist('hk')) ,'Error, hk should have been cleared.'); hk=h(k); iw=hk.iw;; r=hk.r; n=hk.n; ra=hk.ra; rp=hk.rp; m=hk.m;; if length(ia)>0 % -1 for INF bound, and +1 for SUP bound. bound_sign = hk.bound(ia)*2-3; freeze = hk.freeze(ia); % Compute the lagrange multipliers oriented wrt the bound direction. [l r] = max( -lambda{k} .* bound_sign .* not(freeze) ); massert( (l==0) || (~hk.freeze(r)),'r is frozen and should not be') if l>maxl && hk.btype(r)~=Etwin && ~hk.freeze(r) maxl=l; cst=[k r]; end end clear hk; end need = (maxl>0); % --- FREEZE LOOP ---------------------------------------------------- % Instead of keeping all the multipliers of every levels, the algorithm % "freezes" the constraint corresponding to nonzero multiplier. These % constraints will never be lexicographically positive for the following steps % of the algorithm. A freezed constraint cannot be removed from the active set % and therefore stays, freezed and active, as an equality constraint until the % end of the active search. if nargout>=3 && not(need) for k=1:kl positive = find( abs(lambda{k})>THR ); iPositive = h(k).active(positive); h(k).freeze( iPositive ) = 1; end end % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % --- Validity test (not necessary in release mode). % --- Check the validity of the multipliers ie A'lambda = 0. if kl1e-5 disp('Error in reconstruction') disp(norm(active_rows(h(1:kl))'*stacked_cell(lambda))); end