, Organizational: slightly (44.51, p.23

. Cognitive, 44) GROUP 4 ; N4 = 258 National scale (59.69 ; 9.43) Between 5 and 50 km (40.31; 3.59) Technological: greatly (87.98; 21.17) Organizational: greatly (84.11; 21.99) Cognitive: greatly (71.71; 11.54) GROUP 5 ; N5 = 191 National scale (62.30; 8.63) Technological: not at all (92.15; 20.60) Organizational: not at all (94.24; 20.62) Cognitive: not at all (78.01; 19.62) GROUP 6 ; N6 = 121 International scale (100, GROUP, vol.3, issue.8, pp.33-5361

, 50) Technological: not applicable (90.50; 24.97) Organizational: not applicable (89.94, Between 5 and 50 km (39.1142) Cognitive: not applicable (39.11, p.50

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