@comment{This file has been generated by Pybliographer} @String{ apac = {Applied Acoustics}} @String{ jasa = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}} @String{ jsv = {Journal of Sound and Vibration}} @String{ acac = {Acta Acustica}} @InProceedings{MGBG94, Author = {Marandas, E. and Gibiat, Vincent and Besnainou, C. and Grand, Nicolas}, Title = {Caract\'erisation m\'ecanique des anches simples d'instruments \`a vent}, BookTitle = {Actes du 3\`eme {C}ongr\`es {F}ran\c{c}ais d'{A}coustique}, Editor = {{Suppl. J. Phys.}}, Volume = {III}, Number = {4}, Series = {C5}, Pages = {633-636}, Address = {Toulouse}, month = may, year = 1994 } @InProceedings{GGGL04, Author = {Grand, No\"el and Gilbert, Jo\"el and Gibiat, Vincent and Lalo\"e, Franck}, Title = {Influence des non-lin\'earit\'es sur les caract\'eristiques des oscillations des instruments \`a vent}, BookTitle = {Journal de {P}hysique {IV}}, Volume = {C5}, Pages = {585}, url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00002510/fr/}, year = 1994 } @InProceedings{SS97, Author = {Smith, Julius O. III and Scavone, Gary P.}, Title = {The {O}ne{F}ilter {K}eefe {C}larinet {T}onehole}, BookTitle = {Proc. of the {IEEE} workshop on {A}pplications of {S}ignal {P}rocessing to {A}udio and {A}coustics}, Editor = {{IEEE Press}}, Address = {New York}, Note = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/smith97onefilter.html}, institution = {CCRMA}, year = 1997 } @Article{Ker88, Author = {Kergomard, Jean}, Title = {General {E}quivalent {E}lectric {C}ircuits for {A}coustic {H}orns}, Journal = {J. Audio Eng. Soc.}, Volume = {36}, Number = {12}, Pages = {948-954}, comment = {Construction de sch\'emas \'equivalents \`a partir de fractions continues.}, month = dec, year = 1988 } @Unpublished{WB07, Author = {Silva, Fabrice and Kergomard, Jean and Gilbert, Jo\"el and Vergez, Christophe}, Title = {Interaction of reed and acoustic resonator in clarinet-like systems : {W}ilson and {B}eavers revisited}, Note = {Unpublished improvements on Wilson & Beavers theory.}, year = 2007 } @Misc{Ker81, Author = {Kergomard, Jean}, Title = {Champ interne et champ externe des instruments \`a vent}, HowPublished = {Th\`ese d'\'Etat}, school = {Universit\'e Paris 6}, year = 1981 } @Article{MAPR05, Author = {Andras Miklos and Judit Angster and Stephan Pitsch and Thomas D. Rossing}, Title = {Interaction of reed and resonator by sound generation in a reed organ pipe}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {119}, Number = {5}, Pages = {3121-3129}, collaboration = {}, keywords = {musical instruments; vibrations; acoustic resonance; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; aeroacoustics}, month = may, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/119/3121/1}, year = 2006 } @Article{Farner, Author = {Farner, Snorre and Vergez, Christophe and Kergomard, Jean and Lizee, Aude}, Title = {Contribution to harmonic balance calculations of self-sustained periodic oscillations with focus on single-reed instruments}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {119}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1794-1804}, month = mar, year = 2006 } @Article{levine:1948, Author = {Levine, Harold and Schwinger, Julian }, Title = {On the Radiation of Sound from an Unflanged Circular Pipe}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Volume = {73}, Number = {4}, Pages = {383--406}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.73.383}, month = {Feb}, numpages = {23}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, year = 1948 } @Article{HRA+, Author = {Hofmans, G.C.J. and Ranucci, M. and Ajello, G. and Auregan, Y. and Hirschberg, A.}, Title = {Aeroacoustic response of a slit-shaped diaphragm in a pipe at low {H}elmholtz number, 2: unsteady results}, Journal = jsv, Volume = {244}, Number = {1}, Pages = {57-77}, month = jun, year = 2001 } @InProceedings{LRH94, Author = {Le Roux, Jean-Christophe and Herzog, Philippe}, Title = {Effect of suspension on electrodynamic loudspeaker}, BookTitle = {Proceedings of the \$31^\{st\}\$ {C}onference on {A}coustics}, Address = {Prague}, year = 1994 } @Article{Gui06, Author = {Guillemain, Philippe}, Title = {On the role of the vocal tract on the clarinet transients: {N}atural sound analysis and model-based synthesis}, Journal = jasa, Note = {Soumis} } @Article{ZMW07, Author = {Zanartu, Matias and Mongeau, Luc and Wodicka, George R.}, Title = {Influence of acoustic loading on an effective single mass model of the vocal folds}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {121}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1119-1129}, keywords = {speech processing; physiological models; acoustic wave propagation; acoustic wave reflection}, month = feb, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/121/1119/1}, year = 2007 } @Article{HWB72, Author = {Holger, D. 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Zorumski}, Title = {Generalized radiation impedances and reflection coefficients of circular and annular ducts}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {54}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1667-1673}, collaboration = {}, doi = {10.1121/1.1914466}, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/54/1667/1}, year = 1973 } @InProceedings{noreland:2006, Author = {Noreland, Daniel and Bellizzi, Sergio and Bouc, Robert and Cochelin, Bruno and Kergomard, Jean and Vergez, Christophe}, Title = {Analysis of the self-sustained oscillations of clarinet-like musical instruments using the nonlinear modes approach}, BookTitle = {2nd {I}nt. {C}onf. on {N}onlinear {N}ormal {M}odes and {L}ocalization in {V}ibrating {S}ystems}, Address = {Samos}, month = jun, year = 2006 } @Article{AR02, Author = {Avanzini, Federico and Rocchesso, Davide}, Title = {Efficiency, accuracy, and stability issues in discrete-time simulations of single reed wind instruments}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {111}, Number = {5}, Pages = {2293-2301}, comment = {Contient les valeurs num\'eriques typiques pour l'anche}, month = may, year = 2002 } @InProceedings{SC98, Author = {Scavone, Gary P. and Cook, Perry R.}, Title = {Real-time {C}omputer {M}odeling of {W}oodwind {I}nstruments}, BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 1998 {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {M}usical {A}coustics}, Pages = {197-202}, comment = {{Acoustical Society of America}}, year = 1998 } @Article{HGR+03, Author = {Hofmans, G. C. J. and Groot, G. and Ranucci, M. and Graziani, G. and Hirschberg, A.}, Title = {Unsteady flow through in-vitro models of the glottis}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {113}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1658-1675}, comment = {Equation de Bernouilli instationnaire appliqu\'ee au conduit vocal}, month = mar, year = 2003 } @InProceedings{KG00, Author = {Kergomard, Jean and Gilbert, Jo\"el}, Title = {Analyse de quelques aspects du r\^ole de l'anche d'un instrument \`a vent cylindrique}, BookTitle = {Actes du 5\`eme {C}ongr\`es {F}ran\c{c}ais d'{A}coustique}, Pages = {294--297}, Address = {Lausanne}, Organization = {SFA}, month = sep, year = 2000 } @Article{AMvW, Author = {Avanzini, Federico and Walstijn, Maarten van}, Title = {Modelling the {M}echanical {R}esponse of the {R}eed-{M}outhpiece-{L}ip {S}ystem of a {C}larinet. {P}art {I}. {A} {O}ne-{D}imensional {D}istributed {M}odel}, Journal = acac, Volume = {90}, Pages = {537-547}, comment = {Calcul des vibrations de l'anche par \'el\'ements-finis}, year = 2004 } @Article{Fle74, Author = {N. 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Etude \`a partir de la simulation par EF.}, year = 2001 } @InProceedings{IA07, Author = {In\'acio, Oct\'avio and Antunes, Jos\'e}, Title = {A {L}inearized modal analysis of the bowed string}, BookTitle = {19th {I}nternational {C}ongress on {A}coustics}, Address = {Madrid}, Organization = {SEA}, month = sep, year = 2007 } @Article{AD95, Author = {Aur\'egan, Y. and Depollier, C.}, Title = {Snoring : linear stability analysis and in-vitro experiments}, Journal = jsv, Volume = {188}, Number = {1}, Pages = {39-53}, month = nov, year = 1995 } @Misc{MINPACK, Author = {Minpack}, HowPublished = {\url{http://www.netlib.org/minpack/}} } @Article{GGA95, Author = {Gazengel, Bruno and Gilbert, J\"oel and Amir, N.}, Title = {Time {D}omain {S}imulation of {S}ingle {R}eed {W}ind {I}nstrument. {F}rom the {M}easured {I}nput {I}mpedance to the {S}ynthesis {S}ignal. {W}here are the {T}raps?}, Journal = acac, Volume = {3}, Number = {5}, Pages = {445-472}, month = oct, year = 1995 } @InProceedings{dafx06_p089, Author = {Gary Scavone and Julius O. Smith}, Title = {A Stable Acoustic Impedance Model of the Clarinet using Digital Waveguides}, BookTitle = {Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06)}, Pages = {89-94}, Address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, Note = {\url{http://www.dafx.ca/proceedings/papers/p_089.pdf}}, month = sep, year = 2006 } @Article{jiang:2873, Author = {Jack J. Jiang and Chao Tao}, Title = {The minimum glottal airflow to initiate vocal fold oscillation}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {121}, Number = {5}, Pages = {2873-2881}, collaboration = {}, keywords = {speech; biomechanics; biological tissues; patient diagnosis}, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/121/2873/1}, year = 2007 } @Article{AS96, Author = {Seiji Adachi and Masa-aki Sato}, Title = {Trumpet sound simulation using a two-dimensional lip vibration model}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {99}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1200-1209}, collaboration = {}, keywords = {AIR FLOW; MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS; SOUND WAVES; TWO DIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; ACOUSTIC RESONANCE; BERNOULLI LAW; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS}, month = feb, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/99/1200/1}, year = 1996 } @Article{1971JFM....49..803S, Author = {{St Hilaire}, A.~O. and {Wilson}, T.~A. and {Beavers}, G.~S. }, Title = "{Aerodynamic excitation of the harmonium reed}", Journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, Volume = 49, Pages = {803-816}, adsnote = {Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System}, adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1971JFM....49..803S&db_key=PHY}, year = 1971 } @InProceedings{DFG+06, Author = {Dalmont, Jean-Pierre and Frapp\'e, Cyril and Gilbert, Jo\"el and Kergomard, Jean and Ollivier, S\'ebastien}, Title = {Dynamique de jeu de la clarinette : le mod\`ele de {R}aman \`a l'\'epreuve de l'exp\'erience}, BookTitle = {Actes du 8\`eme {C}ongr\`es {F}ran\c{c}ais d'{A}coustique}, Pages = {387-390}, month = apr, year = 2006 } @InProceedings{Ker89, Author = {Kergomard, Jean}, Title = {Tone hole external interactions in woodwinds musical instruments}, BookTitle = {13th {I}nternational {C}ongress on {A}coustics}, Pages = {53-56}, year = 1989 } @Misc{Octave, Author = {Octave}, HowPublished = {\url{www.octave.org}} } @Article{DKK+99, Author = {Dubos, Vincent and Kergomard, Jean and Khettabi, A. and Dalmont, Jean-Pierre and Keefe, D. H. and Nederveen, C. J.}, Title = {Theory of {S}ound {P}ropagation in a {D}uct with a {B}ranched {T}ube {U}sing {M}odal {D}ecomposition}, Journal = acac, Volume = {85}, Pages = {153-169}, comment = {D\'ecomposition modale appliqu\'ee \`a un trou lat\'eral : modes sym\'etriques et antisym\'etriques.}, year = 1999 } @Article{Hir90, Author = {Hirschberg, A. and van de Laar, R.W.A. and Marrou-Mauri\`eres, J-P. and Widjnands, A.P.J. and Dane, J.H. and Kruijswijk, S.G. and Houtsma, A.J.M}, Title = {A quasi-stationary model of air flow in the reed channel of single-reed woodwind instruments}, Journal = {Acustica}, Volume = {70}, Pages = {146-154}, year = 1990 } @InProceedings{silva:2007b, Author = {Silva, Fabrice and Debut, Vincent and Kergomard, Jean and Vergez, Christophe and Deblevid, Aude and Guillemain, Philippe}, Title = {Simulation of single reed instruments oscillations based on modal decomposition of bore and reed dynamics}, BookTitle = {Proceedings of the {I}nternational {C}ongress of {A}coustics}, Address = {Madrid, Spain}, month = sep, year = 2007 } @InProceedings{silva:2007c, Author = {Silva, Fabrice and Kergomard, Jean and Vergez, Christophe}, Title = {Oscillation thresholds for "strinking outwards" reeds coupled to a resonator}, BookTitle = {Proceedings of the {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {M}usical {A}coustics}, Address = {Barcelona, Spain}, month = sep, year = 2007 } @Article{MAPR03, Author = {Andras Miklos and Judit Angster and Stephan Pitsch and Thomas D. Rossing}, Title = {Reed vibration in lingual organ pipes without the resonators}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {113}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1081-1091}, collaboration = {}, keywords = {musical instruments; vibrations; acoustic field; acoustic wave propagation; feedback; aeroacoustics}, month = feb, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/113/1081/1}, year = 2003 } @Article{KOG00, Author = {Kergomard, Jean and Ollivier, S\'ebastien and Gilbert, Jo\"el}, Title = {Calculation of the {S}pectrum of {S}elf-{S}ustained {O}scillators {U}sing a {V}ariable {T}runcation {M}ethod: {A}pplication to {C}ylindrical {R}eed {I}nstruments}, Journal = acac, Volume = {86}, Pages = {685-703}, year = 2000 } @Article{ODK04, Author = {Ollivier, S\'ebastien and Dalmont, Jean-Pierre and Kergomard, Jean}, Title = {Idealized models of reed woodwinds. {P}art {I}: {A}nalogy with the bowed string}, Journal = acac, Volume = {90}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1192-1203}, year = 2004 } @Article{AVC07, Author = {Almeida, Andr'e and Vergez, Christophe and Causs\'e, Ren\'e}, Title = {Quasi-static non-linear characteristcs of double-reed instruments}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {121}, Number = {1}, Pages = {536-546}, year = 2007 } @Article{Ben59, Author = {Benade, Arthur H.}, Title = {On {W}oodwind {I}nstrument {B}ores}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {31}, Number = {2}, Pages = {137-146}, comment = {Consid\'erations sur la forme des conduits des bois : cas des cylindres et c\^ones, influence des trous ferm\'es sur la longueur effective du conduit, effet de l'embouchure, amortissement des modes.}, year = 1959 } @Article{HGW+, Author = {Hirschberg, A. and Gilbert, Jo\"el and Wijnands, A.P.J and Valkering, A.M.C}, Title = {Musical zero-acoustics of the clarinet}, Journal = {J. Phys. 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In the presence of a long downstream pipe, the oscillation frequency is well predicted by means of a model assuming a single mechanical degree of freedom for the lips. A minimum of the threshold pressure for buzzing is observed when the lips are just closed at rest. The magnitude of this threshold pressure is underestimated by the model. In order to fit experiments the quality factor of the lip resonance has to be reduced by a factor two compared to the measured quality factor. In the absence of downstream pipe the threshold pressure increases by a factor three and a jump in oscillation frequency from one mechanical lip-mode to another one is observed as the lung pressure is increased. An attempt to describe this behavior by means of a 2-mass-model fails.}, url = "http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/dav/aaua/2006/00000092/00000006/art00022", year = 2006 } @PhdThesis{Ava02, Author = {Avanzini, Federico}, Title = {Computational issues in physically-based sound models}, School = {Universit\`a degli Studi di Padova}, url = {http://home/fab/www.dei.unipd.it/ avanzini}, year = 2002 } @Article{AS95, Author = {Seiji Adachi and Masa-aki Sato}, Title = {Time-domain simulation of sound production in the brass instrument}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {97}, Number = {6}, Pages = {3850-3861}, collaboration = {}, keywords = {MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; ACOUSTIC EMISSION; ORAL CAVITY; TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS; OSCILLATIONS; SIMULATION}, month = jun, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/97/3850/1}, year = 1995 } @InBook{Hir, Author = {Hirschberg, A.}, Title = {Mechanics of {M}usical {I}nstruments}, Chapter = {Aero-Acoustics of Wind Instruments}, Pages = {291-369}, Publisher = {Springer}, Number = {355}, Series = {CISM Courses and Lectures}, Address = {Wien - New York}, comment = {Lien m\'ecanique des fluides - acoustique}, year = 1995 } @Article{PLV03, Author = {Fabrice Pinard and Benoit Laine and Holger Vach}, Title = {Musical quality assessment of clarinet reeds using optical holography}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {113}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1736-1742}, collaboration = {}, doi = {10.1121/1.1543586}, keywords = {musical acoustics; musical instruments; holographic interferometry; vibrations; structural acoustics}, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/113/1736/1}, year = 2003 } @Article{ODK05, Author = {Ollivier, S\'ebastien and Dalmont, Jean-Pierre and Kergomard, Jean}, Title = {Idealized models of reed woodwinds. {P}art {II}: {O}n the {S}tability of "{T}wo-{S}tep" {O}scillations}, Journal = acac, Volume = {91}, Number = {1}, Pages = {166-179}, year = 2005 } @Article{ricot:2279, Author = {Denis Ricot and Rene Causse and Nicolas Misdariis}, Title = {Aerodynamic excitation and sound production of blown-closed free reeds without acoustic coupling: The example of the accordion reed}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {117}, Number = {4}, Pages = {2279-2290}, collaboration = {}, keywords = {musical instruments; acoustic wave production; aerodynamics; time-domain analysis; acoustic intensity}, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/117/2279/1}, year = 2005 } @InProceedings{LBD06, Author = {Lozada, Jos\'e and Boutillon, Xavier and David, Bertrand}, Title = {Analyse modale sans {T}ransform\'ee de {F}ourier}, BookTitle = {Actes du 8\`eme {C}ongr\`es {F}ran\c{c}ais d'{A}coustique}, Pages = {565-568}, Address = {Tours}, Organization = {SFA}, month = apr, year = 2006 } @InProceedings{SGK+06, Author = {Silva, Fabrice and Guillemain, Philippe and Kergomard, Jean and Dalmont, Jean-Pierre}, Title = {Synth\`ese sonore de clarinette avec mod\`ele de r\'esonateur \`a trous lat\'eraux}, BookTitle = {Actes du 8\`eme {C}ongr\`es {F}ran\c{c}ais d'{A}coustique}, Pages = {395-398}, Address = {Tours}, Organization = {SFA}, month = apr, year = 2006 } @Article{PMK+87, Author = {Polack, J.-D. and Meynial, X. and Kergomard, Jean and Cosnard, C. and Bruneau, Michel}, Title = {Reflection function of a plane sound wave in a cylindrical tube}, Journal = {Rev. phys. appl.}, Volume = {22}, Number = {5}, Pages = {331-337}, keywords = {Reflectance ; Wave reflection ; Acustical wave ; Tube ; Cylinder ; Fourier transformation ; Inverse transformation ; Pulse response ; Reflection function ;}, year = 1987 } @PhdThesis{Oll02, Author = {Ollivier, S\'ebastien}, Title = {Contribution \`a l'\'etude des oscillations des instruments \`a vent \`a anche simple}, School = {Université du Maine}, Address = {Laboratoire d'acoustique de l'université du Maine}, month = {27 } # sep, year = 2002 } @Article{DKL86, Author = {D\'epollier, C. and Kergomard, Jean and Lal\"oe, Franck}, Title = {Localisation d'{A}nderson dans des ondes dans les r\'eseaux acoustiques unidimensionnels al\'eatoires}, Journal = {Ann. 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Voir aussi les "Summary Notes" : http://ccrma.stanford.edu/marl/Benade\end{comment}}, year = 1960 } @Article{Bac63, Author = {Backus, John}, Title = {Small-{V}ibration {T}heory of the {C}larinet}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {35}, Number = {3}, Pages = {305-313}, comment = {+Errata}, year = 1963 } @Book{Pie81, Author = {Pierce, A. D.}, Title = {Acoustics: an {I}ntroduction to its {P}hysical {P}rinciples and {A}pplications}, Publisher = {McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.}, Address = {New York}, year = 1981 } @Book{ZK49, Author = {Zwikker, G. and Kosten, C.}, Title = {Sound absorbing materials}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, year = 1949 } @Article{Woo93, Author = {Woodhouse, Jim}, Title = {Idealised {M}odels of a {B}owed {S}tring}, Journal = acac, Volume = {79}, Pages = {233-250}, year = 1993 } @InProceedings{silva:2007a, Author = {Silva, Fabrice and Kergomard, Jean}, Title = {Seuils d'instabilit\'e d'un instrument de musique \`a anche simple : approche modale}, BookTitle = {Actes du 18\`eme {CFM}}, Address = {Grenoble, France}, month = aug, year = 2007 } @InProceedings{CBC+06, Author = {Chick, John and Bromage, Seona and Campbell, Murray and Stevenson, Samuel and Gilbert, J\"oel}, Title = {Motion of the {B}rass {P}layer's {L}ips {D}uring {E}xtreme {L}oud {P}laying}, BookTitle = {Actes du 8\`eme {C}ongr\`es {F}ran\c{c}ais d'{A}coustique}, Address = {Tours}, Organization = {SFA}, month = apr, year = 2006 } @Article{dalmont:2007, Author = {Jean-Pierre Dalmont and Cyrille Frapp\'{e}}, Title = {Oscillation and extinction thresholds of the clarinet: Comparison of analytical results and experiments}, Journal = jasa, Volume = {122}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1173-1179}, collaboration = {}, doi = {10.1121/1.2747197}, keywords = {musical instruments; oscillations}, publisher = {ASA}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAS/122/1173/1}, year = 2007 } @Article{dalmont:2001b, Author = {Dalmont, Jean-Pierre}, Title = {Acoustic {I}mpedance {M}easurement, {P}art {II}: a {N}ew {C}alibration {M}ethod}, Journal = jsv, Volume = {243}, Number = {3}, Pages = {441-459}, url = {http://dx.doi.org.gate6.inist.fr/10.1006/jsvi.2000.3429}, year = 2001 } @Article{CGC00, Author = {Cullen, J. 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