%0 Patent %T FET Terahertz detector with large bandwidth and large dynamic range %+ Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) %+ Institut d’Electronique et des Systèmes (IES) %+ Térahertz, hyperfréquence et optique (TéHO) %A Knap, Wojciech %A Le Bars, Philippe %A Sahyoun, Walaa %A Coquillat, Dominique %A Teppe, Frederic %A Nouvel, P. %A Thome, L. %A Plagellat-Penarier, A. %A Blin, S. %N GB2516884B %Z L2C:17-276 %C United Kingdom %8 2017-01-04 %D 2017 %Z Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/General Physics [physics.gen-ph]Patents %X An electromagnetic wave detector comprises a field effect transistor, an antenna 601 connected to a first end of a gate 608 of the field effect transistor for receiving incident electromagnetic waves, and a biasing connection pad 605 connected to a second end of the gate 608 for applying a bias voltage to the transistor. The antenna may have a first part 601b connected to the first end of the gate 608 and a second part 601a connected to a source 602 of the transistor. The detector may further comprise a virtual ground element 607 connected to the second end of the gate 608. A control module may control the bias voltage applied on the biasing connection pad 605 according to the electromagnetic power received by the detector. The transistor may be a high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). %G English %L hal-01923999 %U https://hal.science/hal-01923999 %~ CNRS %~ IES %~ L2C %~ MIPS %~ UNIV-MONTPELLIER %~ UM-2015-2021