%0 Conference Proceedings %T Hybrid modelling of mechanical cues in cell migration %+ Dynamiques Cellulaire, Tissulaire & Microscopie fonctionnelle (TIMC-IMAG-DyCTiM) %+ Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil (LMGC) %+ Biomécanique des Interactions et de l'Organisation des Tissus et des Cellules (BIOTIC) %A Stéphanou, Angélique %A Lefloch, Simon %A Chauvière, Arnaud %F Invité %< avec comité de lecture %B ITM Conference 2015, Workshop on Multiscale and Hybrid Modelling in Cell and Cell Population Biology %C Paris, France %3 ITM conference 2015 proceedings %8 2015-03-16 %D 2015 %R 10.1051/itmconf/20150500012 %Z Engineering Sciences [physics]/Mechanics [physics.med-ph]/Biomechanics [physics.med-ph]Conference papers %X Many studies stress the crucial importance of the mechanical component in angiogenesis, but still very few models really integrate mechanics. We propose to investigate the importance of mechanical cues for cell migration in this context with a new hybrid continuous-discrete model that describes the individual migration of contracting cells on an elastic matrix of fibres. The matrix is described as a continuum substrate whereas the cells are described as discrete elements. %G English %2 https://hal.science/hal-01550582/document %2 https://hal.science/hal-01550582/file/Conf_LeFloch_al_Hybrid_modelling_2015.pdf %L hal-01550582 %U https://hal.science/hal-01550582 %~ UGA %~ IMAG %~ CNRS %~ UNIV-GRENOBLE1 %~ INPG %~ LMGC %~ TIMC-IMAG %~ TIMC-IMAG-DYCTIM %~ MIPS %~ UNIV-MONTPELLIER %~ UNIV-LYON %~ UM-2015-2021