%0 Book Section %T The sea level rise and the collapse of a Mediterranean ecosystem, the Lithophyllum byssoides algal rim. %+ Institut méditerranéen d'océanologie (MIO) %A Blanfuné, Aurelie %A Boudouresque, Charles-François %A Thibaut, Thierry %A Verlaque, Marc %Z MIO:16-068 %B The Mediterranean region under climate change. A scientific update. %P 285-289 %8 2016 %D 2016 %Z Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and EcologyBook sections %X The sea level rise and the collapse of a Mediterranean ecosystem, the Lithophyllum byssoides algal rim. %G English %L hal-01409734 %U https://hal.science/hal-01409734 %~ SDE %~ INSU %~ UNIV-TLN %~ CNRS %~ UNIV-AMU %~ MIO %~ OSU-INSTITUT-PYTHEAS %~ GIP-BE %~ MIO-EMBIO